
cadet information form

This is the form that gives the program the information we need to enter you into our system.

cadet standard release

This is a program required form that we keep locked in our files in case we need it.

field trip parent permission

This is a blank field trip permission form that you will need to have if you go on a trip. Make sure you fill in your name on the top, the destination and date of trip. Have your parent or guardian sign it in both places. If you emergency info is the same as you filled in on your standard release form then you can put "on file" in that area (but you still need the signature!!!)

field trip other teacher permission

You need to have all of your other teachers sign this form. If they say "NO" then it is "NO". Keep your grades up and be a good cadet and your teachers will sign off on this without hesitation. Bring it to the NJROTC instructors last (we already know we will let you go)

health screening form

This is the health screenign form... you need it filled out in order to participate in NJROTC. If you answer "YES" to any answers (EXCEPT #4, 12 and 28) then you need a doctors to sign it. If you answer "NO" to the items then you are all set.

personal qualifications standards (PQS) Form

This is the form you need to get signed off by the different individuals in order to get promoted. It tracks that you have exhibited the required skill level to be promoted to the next rank/rate.

The link below is for the Promotion Requirements form. This is the one that tells you how long you need to wait between promotions and what you need to accomplish and get signed off.