
Virtual workshops during the semester to identify your goals.

Past Workshops

Description: Dra. Wakaleska Mercados Business Administration students were provided a workshop about the qualites a mentor should posess. We explored alternatives to facilitate leadership both in and out of college. 

Offered: november 2, 2023

Moderator: Lisa M Martinez Ruiz

Description: In this workshop we informed our students on how to complete the pre-registration process. Additionally we provided tipis to better navigate the platform.  

Offered: november 2, 2023

Moderator: Lisa M Martinez Ruiz

Description: On March 1, 2023, a talk called Designing Goals was offered by the author of the book "What they didn't tell me when I got to the third level", Adnelys López. He himself had an attendance of 13 people from both the university community and the external community. This talk served those present to reflect on the process of establishing a goal, observing the limits that people place on themselves and do not allow them to complete their objective and recognize qualities necessary to achieve the goal. In a simple way, the author led the audience to empower themselves and resume personal goals that they had put aside. They had the opportunity to clarify doubts and share experiences. Finally, he offered a few steps simple to achieve them, where consistency and focus were essential keys to achieve the objectives.

Offered: Evening of Wednesday, 1 march 2023

Moderator: Adnelys López

Description: The workshop on Stress Management was offered for university students in the month of November, which was very well received, 18 students attended. It provided strategies for stress management, how to identify when help is needed and where to go to receive support services.

Offered: Evening of Friday, 18 November 2022

Moderator: Professor Lisa Martínez Ruiz