
ESLOTTIDETs objective is to provide faculty with professional development, workshops and training to develop mastery of teaching and learning technologies as well as methodologies so that they can create and teach online courses more efficiently.

Upcoming Workshops

Past Workshops

Online Exam Preparation

Description: In this workshop, various tools were presented that could be used to create and correct exams. Many of these tools were free and very straightforward to work with. We worked on aspects such as exam planning, time limits, question formulation, and answers. Participants learned how to generate results and present them statistically.

Offered: Morning of Friday, 12 May 2023

Moderator: Prof. Meysaliz García Moore

Using Zoom to Offer Courses

Description: In the workshop, participants understood how private virtual rooms functioned. They learned how to create and use private virtual rooms in Zoom for online meetings, collaborations, and tutoring. They also learned how to invite and manage user participation in private virtual rooms, as well as share documents, files, and notes online within these rooms. Skills were acquired to maintain privacy and security in private virtual rooms. Participants practiced online collaboration in a safe and private environment, fostering collaboration and teamwork in a virtual setting. Furthermore, they learned to make the most of Zoom's tools and features to enhance online productivity and efficiency.

Offered: Morning of Thursday, 4 May 2023

Moderator: Prof. Sonia Reyes Medina

GPT Chat, Artificial Intelligence and its Applications

Description: Discuss ChatGPT and how Artificial Intelligence technology had revolutionized various fields such as technology, industries, businesses, education, among others. The focus of the workshop was to demonstrate the application of this tool in our daily lives and professions.

Offered: Morning of Thursday, 27 April 2023

Moderator: Dr. Emmanuel Gutiérrez 

Flipped Classroom

Description: The Flipped Classroom or Inverted Class pedagogical model was explained. It was explained how the teacher could maximize their efforts in the classroom by downloading activities and processes to be completed outside the classroom. The role of the educator was detailed, as well as the role of the student, the learning culture, and the content. Participants learned to select the technology and key learning activities that suited their needs.

Offered: Morning of Friday, 21 April 2023

Moderator: Prof. Eva Y. Rullán Cartagena 

Online courses with Open Broadcaster Software

Description: OBS (Open Broadcaster Software) was a free and open-source tool for offline video recording and live video streaming that was compatible with both Mac and Windows. Through this workshop, participants were able to acquire the fundamentals to produce high-quality educational videos in real time, similar to television productions, without having to spend long hours editing before publishing them to the world.

Offered: Morning of Tuesday, 28 March 2023

Moderator: Dr. Emmanuel Gutiérrez 

Integration of microlearning in online courses

Description: Microlearning is about short-term digital didactic content, which had a specific learning objective to acquire some knowledge or competence. In this Webinar, microlearning was defined, its particular characteristics were identified to make it effective, and the benefits of integrating it into online courses were analyzed. Additionally, various digital tools that could be used to design different microcontent formats were listed.

Offered: Morning of Thursday, 9 March 2023

Moderator: Dr. Yahaira Torres Rivera

Digital Presentations

Description: Educators had the need to create educational materials in different formats to use in courses, regardless of the modality. Digital presentations had been one of the most used formats in classes for many years. When done well, they could be powerful tools as support resources to teach or explain topics to students. However, a presentation that was not well done, in all probability, produced the opposite effect; it could become a distraction and demotivate students and, therefore, it stopped being effective. Through this workshop, best practices were shared to create digital presentations that were attractive and effective so that they could capture the attention of students, arouse their interest, attention, and keep them motivated to learn.

Offered: Morning of Friday, 24 February 2023

Moderator: Dr. Yahaira Torres Rivera

Affinity Research Group Model

Description: The contributions of neuroeducation and other research had shown that visual resources were very effective in the teaching and learning process. One of the visual resources that was being successfully integrated into educational environments was infographics. However, for an infographic to be of quality, other aspects had to be taken into consideration, in addition to the content. The main objective of this workshop was to create a digital infographic for educational purposes, which was effective and aroused the interest of students. The essential parts that an infographic had to have were described, the value of an infographic in the teaching and learning process was identified, and some basic principles of graphic design were discussed so that the resource had excellent aesthetics and captured the attention of the audience.

Offered: Morning of Friday, 18 November 2022

Moderator: Dr. Yahaira Torres Rivera

Affinity Research Group Model

Description: The Affinity Research Group Model was a set of practices built on a cooperative team framework that supported the creation and maintenance of dynamic and inclusive research groups. Students learned and applied the knowledge and skills required for research and cooperative work in an ARG. Members shared a core purpose, and the research group was designed to emphasize the conscious and explicit development of students’ disciplinary knowledge, research abilities, and team skills. An ARG deliberately designed activities aimed at developing students’ disciplinary knowledge, research abilities, and team skills. This model had been adopted across the country and in various disciplines.

Offered: Evening of Friday, 9 September 2022

Moderator: Dr. Nayda G. Santiago

Peer Led Team Learning 

Description: A proven strategy for retention, PLTL provides an active learning experience for students and creates leadership opportunities for undergraduates. The PLTL model engages teams of six to eight students in learning sessions guided by a peer leader. Peer leaders are select students who have performed well in the class and who have completed a leadership training. Outcomes for undergraduate students including improve their learning, developing team working skills, and refining problem-solving skills. The PLTL effort improves academic performance and retention in the “gatekeeper” courses (i.e., courses that limit a student from advancing in higher level courses and possibly the major).

Offered: Evening of Friday, 2 September 2022

Moderator: Dr. Nayda G. Santiago