Wellness Wednesdays

Power of Perspective

What you see is what you get.  If you look for the good, you'll see good.  If you focus on the bad, you'll see the bad.


The Power of Fun

Looking for a good read?  Check out the book "The Power of Fun" by Catherine Price to learn about the benefits of experiencing fun in our lives.  


The Power of Influence

Can't argue with Kid President! 


It's Random Acts of Kindness Week!  

Together we can make the world a little bit kinder for all of us.  It starts with you.


Have you ever learned how to study effectively?  The key is to commit the information to your long term memory. 


Praise more.  Criticize less.

Why are we so quick to criticize?  


Have you found your New Year's resolution hard to stick to this year?  

Maybe consider one of these: 6 Alternatives to Traditional New Year's Resolutions 


Time Management is a life skill.  

Are you using your time wisely?

Time Management Tips 


Did you know that hitting snooze only makes you MORE TIRED? 

Before you hit snooze, watch this! 

Read: The negative impact of hitting snooze 


Life is about choices.  

Even though your feelings aren't a choice, your thoughts & actions always are.

Life is about choices: 30 second video 


It's not realistic to expect to be positive all the time.  But, that doesn't mean we have to be negative.  

Check out this video to help make some sense of this: The SAT story 

Remember to ACT LIKE A 1480!


"Developing an “attitude of gratitude” is one of the simplest ways to improve your satisfaction with life."  

Learn more here.


Did you know there are different TYPES of friends?  

Read about the 8 types of friends we all need!


Don't get caught in a spiral of negative self-talk.  Use positive self-talk to make your head a nice place to be.  Learn more: Positive Self Talk 


The mind is a powerful thing!  If you are feeling anxious or depressed, stop listening and start talking!

WATCH ==> Anxiety and Depression 


Feeling overwhelmed by too many tasks?  Try these time management tips!



If your grief feels overbearing, seek help!


Changing Perspective

If you're struggling with an issue, sometimes the solution is as simple as changing your perspective (look at the problem from a different angle or from someone else's point of view).   

Changing Perspective 


Keys to a Great Conversation

Even if you only master one of these tips, you will experience and enjoy better conversations

Keys to a Great Conversation 


"Be a rainbow in someone else's cloud" -Maya Angelou

Start with Hello Week 2023


Find your People

“The people we surround ourselves with either raise or lower our standards. They either help us to become the best version of ourselves or encourage us to become lesser versions of ourselves. We become like our friends. No man becomes great on his own. No woman becomes great on her own. The people around them help to make them great. We all need people in our lives who raise our standards, remind us of our essential purpose, and challenge us to become the best version of ourselves.”  -Matthew Kelly, The Rhythm of Life: Living Every Day with Passion and Purpose 

Here is a quick Video on the term 'reference group' and how they influence our success. 



When engaging in dialogue with someone else, don't assume your perception is the objective truth.  

Learn more about how to avoid miscommunication (which can lead to conflict!): How  miscommunication happens (and how to avoid it) 


Mental Health Advice

Identify a few key pieces of advice for yourself and post it somewhere you look everyday!  Here are a few suggestions!


Mindful or Mind Full?

Be kind to your mind. Check out these mindfuless apps!
