Day 3 - London

Another great day in London.

Our first stop of the day was at the British Museum. It was an amazing and enormous place full of incredible artifacts from around the world. It feels like we only scratched the surface of it in the two hours we had to visit. \

After the British Museum we had lunch by Hyde Park before splitting into two groups. The smaller group went South through Hyde Park to the Natural History museum while the later group headed North to Madame Tussaud's Wax Museum. Unfortunately, the line at Madame Tussaud's was approximately two hours long, so we decided we'd head down the road to Oxford Street and get a head start on shopping instead.

We then headed over to Brick Lane for dinner at various restaurants who did their best to rip us off. Thankfully some assertive teachers and a tour guide sorted all of that out. Our trip to Brick Lane was our most daunting so far as we had to negotiate an overcrowded tube during peak hour. Thankfully we were very familiar with the tube by this point and our teachers had us well organised to ensure it went as smoothly as possible.

After dinner was our Jack The Ripper tour. Our tour guide Johnny was fantastic. The tour was very informative, although some of the images were a little gruesome for some.

After that it was back to our accommodation for the night. All in all it was a great day. Very busy, but not as full on as yesterday.

Thanks to Makayla Gibbs for the photos.