OER use in UP Open University

Open Educational Resources (OERs)

Here is a presentation prepared by Dr. Sheila Bonito regarding curating and using OERs in our online courses in UP Open University. Our FICs are strongly encouraged to explore the various OER repositories online to enrich the discussions about the topics in a course.

Curating and Producing OER.pptx

You may want to explore resources from these repositories (in support of Prof. Bonito's presentation):

MC Services.mp4

Producing OERs in UP Open University 

Here's the presentation prepared by Ms. Luisa Gelisan, current Director of the UPOU Multimedia Center regarding their services concerning producing selected OERs (multimedia resources) in UP Open University

Multimedia Development Flow Chart.pdf

For more inquiries about the services of UPOU Multimedia Center, you may visit the UPOU Networks site