Setting up the course site in MyPortal

Setting up the course sites

FICs are expected to design the course site in MyPortal according to 1) their course specifications, 2) the nature of the course, and most importantly, 3) with diverse students in mind.

Kindly refer to this generic guide for the UPOU FICs regarding initial design of the course site. This guide is prepared and routinely updated by the MyPortal team from ICTDO (first version prepared by R.Cantada; latest version prepared by R.Borromeo).

MyPortal course.pdf

Sample course site A

If you will notice, this sample above makes the course guide immediately available on top of the main page of the course site.

Sample course site A, continued

The set of guides, supplementary resource, and activities are arranged based on the module where they should be used or done.

Sample course site B

In this sample site, after the generic welcome and reminders are given, the resources and activities are arranged based on the week (period) in which they should be ideally studied and done.

Sample course site C

Another way to organize the site is to compile all activities in one group and then the resources in another set; however, it is important that you provide significant scaffolds for your learners as they do an activity or study a resource.