
At the core of our wellbeing programme is a co-tutoring system; each student is part of a homeroom group led by a team of two tutors whose role is to support each student's personal growth and development through the year. The co-tutoring system means that each group of approximately 18-20 students has two dedicated staff members responsible for their wellbeing. Their priority is to build a positive and meaningful learning relationship with each student and support their personal and academic growth throughout the year, meeting every day to check-in as well as delivering our Respect programme lessons.

A Head of Year has dedicated oversight to each year group, leading the tutor team and being responsible for tracking the holistic development of each child within the year. They are a dedicated point of contact for both students and parents to foster strong communication links between school and home. Our team of Heads of Year have collaboratively designed a bespoke wellbeing curriculum called the Respect Programme and work closely with the co-tutors to ensure its effective delivery. You can find out more about the Respect Programme on this page.