Library Services


Borrowing and Renewing a Book

Contactless Transaction:

Onsite Transaction

Note: Complete guide to the service can be found in the University Library's Citizen's Charter

Reminders on Borrowing and Renewing a book using online circulation:

Book Returns

Returning a book via Library Terminal/Counter:

Returning a book via Book drop

Returning a book via Delivery Courier

Note: Complete guide of the service can be found in the University Library's Citizen's Charter

Originality Check

Due to the restricted number of accounts assigned to UPM, only faculty and staff have user accounts available on the Turnitin database. If your manuscript/ research paper needs to be evaluated, please see the instructions below:

The service for bonafide members of the UP Manila community is free of charge.

 Please be guided with  Memorandum No. CCDP 2018-134: Maximum Similarity Index for Manuscript Submissions

Scan and Deliver

Scan and Deliver Service is a free electronic document delivery service for the University of the Philippines Manila community. In light of the new normal, we are offering this service to help library users who can't go to the library to borrow resources. 

Who may avail of this service?

UP Manila faculty, students, REPS, and staff

​How to avail of this service?

To avail of this service follow the steps below:

Terms of Service


Recommend a Resource


Remote Access (OpenAthens | Virtual Private Network)

home. If you do not have the application yet, please refer to this link for the complete guide. Download the complete Virtual Private Network user guide 

EBSCO Discovery Service