Scopus is the largest abstract and citation database containing both peer-reviewed research literature and quality web sources. With over 18,000 titles from more than 5,000 publishers, Scopus offers researchers a quick, easy and comprehensive resource to support their research needs in the scientific, technical, medical and social sciences fields and, more recently, also in the arts and humanities.


On-Campus: IP-based. Accessible anywhere within UPM-PGH. Log in to your UPM ADS Account (

Off-Campus: Install VPN on your laptop or desktop computers or register using your email. 


💡 Create an account while connected to the UP Manila network (on-campus or via VPN).
💡 Always check if you are authenticated. If you see the University of the Philippines Manila name or logo, you're all set.
💡 Some databases will give you, 90-day access. If your account expired, you must log in again on-site UPM or via VPN.

Why create a Scopus Account?
💡 Remote Access to Scopus.

Users activate their access to an Elsevier solution with their institutional or company email address, then sign in by creating an account on the solution with the same email address. A VPN or proxy server is not required.

💡 The user visits an Elsevier solution, and 'signs in' with their institutional or company email address.
💡 On the user’s first sign-in attempt, Elsevier will send a confirmation email with a link to confirm ownership of the email address.
💡 Thereafter, the user can access institutional or company subscriptions when they sign in from anywhere.
💡 The user must confirm they are the owner of that mailbox at least every 6 months to retain access.