Main Sections and Format

  1. TITLE PAGE - The title should be printed in capital letters and must accurately identify and describe the contents of the manuscript. Include each author’s complete mailing address and/or institutional affiliation in the title page. Indicate the author to whom correspondence should be addressed and the author’s e-mail address. Indicate whether the research is the portion of a thesis or dissertation and the sources of fund of the research.
  2. ABSTRACT - After the title page, print a 150-200 word informative digest of the objectives, methodology and significant findings of the article. The title should also be printed in capital letters before the Abstract.
  3. KEY WORDS - The key words and phrases following the Abstract should be alphabetically arranged and should reflect the contents of the paper. Give not more than eight key words.
  4. ABBREVIATIONS - For easy reference, an alphabetically arranged sequence of abbreviations and acronyms and their meanings are printed after the key words. Avoid abbreviations in the title and abstract, although they may be used in graphs, tables, figures and legends. Acronyms are to be spelled out first and then enclosed in parenthesis at first mention. Avoid using acronyms and abbreviations as the first word of a sentence or a heading. Rewrite the sentence or spell out the term. Use abbreviations only for terms used at least three times.
  5. TEXT - The text, which comes after the Abbreviations, is presented in the sequence listed as follows. For taxonomic papers:
    • Introduction
    • Materials and Methods (may be incorporated into the later parts of the Introduction if very brief only)
    • Taxonomy
    • General Discussion (optional)
    • Acknowledgement and References Cited.

For other full-length scientific papers:

    • Introduction
    • Materials and Methods
    • Results and Discussion
    • Acknowledgement, and
    • References Cited