Charting Our Course: The Cyclical Framework of UOD's Strategic Plan

This chapter unveils the cyclical framework that serves as the backbone of UOD's comprehensive strategic plan.  Visualized below, this framework is composed of three distinct cycles, each playing a crucial role in our journey towards achieving our long-term vision.

A Tailored Approach: The Three Cycles

The initial cycle is purposefully designed with a condensed timeframe of three years.  This concentrated focus allows us to prioritize and diligently address core infrastructure improvements that will serve as the foundation for future success.  The subsequent two cycles, each spanning five years, will encompass the steady progression of our strategic objectives.  This guidebook serves as a vital companion throughout these cycles, meticulously guiding our strategic trajectory along the way.

Adaptation and Evolution: A Look Ahead

A critical juncture in UOD's institutional evolution arrives upon the conclusion of the entire three-cycle deployment.  At this significant milestone, a comprehensive evaluation and recalibration effort will be undertaken.  This meticulous process will involve a keen eye towards the ever-changing sociopolitical and academic landscape.  As a result of this in-depth examination, our guidebook will be thoughtfully updated to ensure its continued relevance within the evolving contextual dynamics.

Continuous Learning and Refinement

Following the completion of each intermediate cycle (lasting three to five years), the guidebook will transition into a repository role.  It will meticulously document the emerging objectives and initiatives that surface as critical components of our ongoing development journey.  A specialized framework for abridged periodic evaluations will be in place, guaranteeing the unwavering alignment of our strategic ambitions and objectives with the University of Duhok's overarching aspirations.  This vital coherence will be meticulously maintained through the strategic use of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), as outlined in detail within this guidebook.

Restricted Access: Delving Deeper

The restricted section of this chapter offers a more granular exploration of the cyclical framework, including:

To gain access to this exclusive content and delve deeper into the cyclical framework, please log in using your official UOD email account.

We encourage you to explore the remaining public chapters of the guidebook to learn more about UOD's strategic planning process.

CHAPTER 7: The three Main Cycles of the UoD’s Strategic Plan