Introduction and Charting Our Course

Welcome to the first chapter of the University of Duhok's Strategic Planing  (UNSP) Management Process Guidebook (2023-2038)!  This chapter serves as the foundation for our journey, outlining the purpose and content of this comprehensive resource.

The Power of Strategic Planning

The strategic management process plays a pivotal role in guiding educational institutions towards a bright and successful future.  For U0D, this translates to achieving our ambitious goal of becoming a leading institution for higher education, research, and innovation.  This guidebook builds upon the strong foundation laid by the Steering Committee for Strategic Planning (SCSP), whose efforts established our core vision, mission, and values.

What You'll Find Here

This chapter delves into the methodology employed to extract the university's specific goals and objectives.  Additionally, it outlines the crucial procedures, policies, and guidelines that will be developed and maintained throughout the strategic management process.

A Roadmap to Success

This guidebook serves as your roadmap for the period 2023-2038.  It provides practical guidance and insights specifically tailored to the University of Duhok.  Our aim is to equip university leaders, faculty, staff, and administrators with the knowledge and tools needed to navigate the strategic management process effectively and achieve U0D's long-term goals.

Looking Ahead

As we embark on this journey together, this chapter will also highlight specific considerations that will be addressed in greater detail throughout the guidebook.  These considerations are essential for the successful implementation of our strategic plan.

Let's begin charting our course for a brighter future!

CHAPTER 1: Introduction and Purpose