Monday, Feb 8

Objective: Use the Pythagorean theorem to find the missing length of a side of a right triangle. Apply the Pythagorean theorem to real-life problems. Determine if given side lengths form a right triangle. Know the hypotenuse-leg postulate for right triangles.

Why: Right angles create a strong foundation. The use of the Pythagorean theorem helps determines if there is a right angle.

State Standard: 11..3.1a,b,c ,d

Assignment: Pythagorean theorem

Thursday, Feb 8

Objectives: Simplify radicals having perfect nth root radicands

Why: The strategies used with square roots increase problem solving skills

State Standard: 11.1.1 c

Assignment: Simplifying Radicals

A Look Ahead

Tuesday, Feb 8

Objectives: Convert between numbers in standard form and scientific notation. Multiply and divide numbers written in scientific notation.

Why: The strategies used with exponents increase problem solving skills

State Standard: 11.1.2b

Assignment: Scientific Notation

Friday, Feb 8

Objectives: Simplify square roots that have a perfect square factor. Multiply radicals with the same index.

Why: The strategies used with square roots increase problem solving skills

State Standard: 11.1.1a-c

Assignment: Multiplying Radicals

Wednesday, Feb 8

Objectives: Apply knowledge on simplifying exponential expressions

Why: The teacher needs to know if students understood the key objectives

State Standard: 11.1.2b

Assignment: Quiz #1 Exponential Expressions