
For questions about hiring in this area, contact serve@unlv.edu

What is UNLVolunteers? 

UNLVolunteers is a student organization planning service programs that encourage civic engagement and positive social change. We view leadership as an integral part of the social change process, and we strive to help students engage in this process through our programs. 

Our programs focus on four impact areas: 

What UNLVolunteers positions are available? 

Service Programs Program Assistants (PAs) – 4 positions

UNLVolunteers PAs work 10 hours/week in our office, and are paid hourly ($13/hr). They work closely with the  Service Programs Coordinator and the other PAs from our other departmental councils. The Service Programs PA position is a great opportunity to get experience planning events/programs, learning about service programs, and working in an office setting. This role is a part of the Coordinator team; but in addition to Coordinator training and opportunities, PAs manage the "behind the scenes" of many of our programs.

Service Programs PAs will be expected to program 2 events a month (September through November and February through April) as they rotate through the 4 different impact areas. Along with programming the 2 programs, PAs can expect to also program monthly General Meetings open to all UNLV students to attend. General Meetings are an opportunity to showcase our upcoming service programs, program activities for students to participate or program outside speakers to come speak to UNLV students.

PAs will also coordinate and assist in the development of our once-a-semester signature event, Service Day. Service Day is a big day of service that has UNLV students go out into our Las Vegas Valley to do 3 hours of service with a multitude of various community partners across Clark County. PAs are expected to facilitate a site for Service Day, attend a training for Service Day and be a site leader at one of our Service Day sites.

PAs will meet once a week with their supervisor and once a week with the whole team for weekly professional development opportunities. 

Service Programs PA Responsibilities & Projects:

For questions about UNLVolunteers hiring, or to set up a meeting to talk more, please contact serve@unlv.edu