The University of Zaragoza, Unizar, funded in 1542, is one of the oldest universities in Spain. It has currently 27K undergraduates, 2500 master students and 2200 PhD students. At Unizar there are 6 research institutes as well as 4 research centres also associated with the Spanish National Researh Council. The research rommunity in Unizar, with 10 ERC grant holders in the last 10 years, is supported by the Unique Science And Technology Infrastructures (ICTS), such as Elecmi (Electron Microscopy facitliy) and Cesaraugusta (computer cluster), located at BIFI and LMA institutes.

R+D Building at Unizar, where BIFI and LMA research institutes are located

R+D building at Unizar is located at the Campus Río Ebro.

Zaragoza and the Aragon community also offers rich cultural and nature attractions. With a population of around 700,000 people, it was funded as Caesaraugusta by Cesar Augusto between 25BC- 11BC. Zaragoza is today a monumental city, with roman, muslim and catholic attractions, such as the Roman Forum, the Roman Theatre, the muslim palace "La Aljafería", built in the 11th century, and the two cathedrals, "La Seo" and "Basílica del Pilar".

Zaragoza is located in the North East of Spain, in the Aragón region and at the centre of the Ebro Valley. Aragon is crowned by the Pyrenees, with ski destinations both in the Pyrenees and Teruel, the amazing sights in Ordesa National Park and the beautiful villages of Sos del Rey Católico, Albarracín or Ainsa.