
Problems & Services

Wellbeing problems

Feeling down, tense, angry or anxious are all normal emotions, but when these feelings persist for long periods of time they may be part of a wellbeing problem. Wellbeing problems can influence how you think and your ability to function in your everyday activities, whether at University, at work or in relationships.

It can be helpful to talk to someone about what’s going on in your life if you have noticed a change in how you are feeling and thinking. This might include:

• Changes in the way that you carry out your day-to-day life

• Not enjoying, or not wanting to be involved in things that you would normally enjoy

• Changes in appetite or sleeping patterns

• Being easily irritated or having problems with friends and family for no reason

• Finding your performance at university or work is not as good asit used to be

• Being involved in drugs or drinking too much alcohol

• Feeling sad or ‘down’ or crying easily

• Hopelessness, suicidal ideations and plans

• Having trouble concentrating or remembering things

• Having negative, distressing, bizarre or unusual thoughts

• Feeling unusually stressed or worried.

• Re-experiencing traumatic events (war, tsunami, accidents) as flashbacks, nightmares or reliving

Therapeutic Psychological Services

  • Counselling and Befriending
  • Relaxation and Calming techniques
  • Group support
  • Cognitive Behaviour therapy and desensitization
  • Expressive Therapies
  • Health and Psychosocial education, courses and information
  • Mental Health and referral to psychiatry and clinical psychology

Other Services:

Psychological Testing and Assessment:

  • Career Guidance:
  • Family and Reproductive Health:
  • Peer Support and Mentorship:
  • Online booking, chat; telephone and skype counselling

Help can be found for the following Problems at the WeBe Centre:


  • Difficulty in our lives with a friend, teacher, students, administration or a member of the

opposite sex.

  • Discomfort, worries, distress and hurt.
  • Poor self-esteem and confidence.


  • Relieving Exam Tension
  • Study skills training and report writing
  • Memory enhancement techniques


  • Withdrawal, control use and abstinence
  • Dependence, Addictions


  • Transition from school to university life.
  • Transition from home to hostel life.
  • Transition from outstations to town


  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Somatization
  • PTSD
  • Suicidal ideation
  • Obsessions
  • Sexual Difficulties


  • Counselling, Befriending, Mentorship, Relaxation Methods, Cognitive Behaviour Therapy


Assessment of personality, intelligence, attitude, aptitude through psychological tests.

We can help you understand yourself- your personality, intelligence, attitude, aptitude etc – by undertaking psychological testing and identifying your potential.


Direction for a fulfilling career path, matching your interests and aptitude.

In a competitive job market and dynamic economic environment, undergoing career guidance and counseling will point you in the direction of fulfilling career paths to match your interests and aptitude.


  1. Coping with life- changing events.
  2. Improving interaction with other members of the family.
  3. Issues related to sexual relationships and reproductive health.

All families experience problems and face challenges at some point or the other and there are problems that will often spill over into other spheres of our lives, thereby adversely affecting them. Family counseling can be useful in helping you cope with life- changing events and improving interaction with other members of the family. Sometimes students face sexual harassment that they find difficult to dope with.

As young adults on the cusp of beginning our lives, reproductive health counseling tackles concerns relating to marriage, clears up misconceptions about hetero and homo sexuality and reproductive health.

PEER Support and Mentorship:

  • Rendered by students of the Well Being Centre for students to share with complete frankness and privacy.


  • We also offer referrals to professionals in the field of Psychiatry and Psychology at the centre on a regular basis