Welcome to the Well-Being Centre of the University of Jaffna

March 20 - International Day of Happiness

2024 Training Programme on " Effective Counseling

a follow up training programme held annually to warm up and troubleshoot any issues raise in Counselling.

Resource persons: Prof Rachel Tribe (University of London, UK) and Mr Ken Fishr                    
Participants: All Faculties  - Well-Being Coordinators, Student Counsellors,  Deputy  Proctors
Conducted by: Staff Development Centre, University of Jaffna
Jointly Coordinated by: AR/Welfare and Head/Philosophy
Date: 12.02.2024, Venue:  SDC Training hall

The Follow-up training programme was very successful and Prof Rachel Tribe and Mr Ken Fishr were the resource persons extensively motivated the participants through their skillful acts and delivery of the information through the session. 

Resource persons and participants of the Training programme held on 12.02.2024

Honourable Resource persons - Prof  Rachel Tribe and Mr Ken Fishr


Relaxation Techniques 

                        Relaxation for Languages

 Click here in Sinhala         Click here in Tamil (to be uploaded)  Click here in English pdf (to be uploaded)

Students can select the relaxation audio by selecting respective religion.  

Thanks to Prof Daya Somasundaram for arranging all these audio files .

Chanting - Method 3 

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy [CBT]- Lecture Series 

JMFOA Australia Chapter in conjunction with WeBe Centre, University of Jaffna is conducting a series of online lectures on Mental Health Awareness. These lectures are delivered by Ms Meera Bahu (Senior Clinician/CBT Specialist, NHS Trust, UK) and useful for university students.

Resource person -  Ms Meera Bahu, Senior Clinician/CBT Specialist, NHS Trust, UK

CBT Lecture 1 - https://youtu.be/f_d-SHrNEP8 

CBT Lecture 2 - https://youtu.be/2PlHxmh9GBs 

CBT Lecture 3 - https://youtu.be/u54ErWgC2Os 

CBT Lecture  4 - https://youtu.be/FQjd82d4gu4 

CBT Lecture 5 - https://youtu.be/ZfhV8g9AX-Y 

CBT Lecture 6 - https://youtu.be/cGEFcJj_Gds 

CBT Lecture 7 - https://youtu.be/Wo6mvWtqFrE 

CBT Lecture 8 - https://youtu.be/vnPu5eHDFM0 

CBT Lecture 9 - https://youtu.be/50Mur-taCr8 

CBT Lecture 10- https://youtu.be/e5JqDP5a6ZA 

Tamil Help Line ஆற்றுப்படுத்தல்" பயிற்சிநெறி (in Tamil)

(You can download the You tube videos given next to the themes as "Click here")

First Session  (Video) - மீண்டெழும்தன்மை -Resilience - Click here    

Second Session  (Video) - துயரங்களை பொறுத்துகொள்ளல் - Tolerating Distress- Click here     

Third Session (Video) - மனம் திறப்போம் - Let's open our Mind - Click here      

Fourth Session  (Video) - குடும்ப நலம் பேணல் - Family Well-being - Click here 

Fifth Session (Video) - மன வலிமை - Mental Strength - Click here 

Sixth Session (Video) - மதுவும் மனமும் - Alcohol and the mind - Click here 

Seventh Session  (Video) - சிறுவர்கள் மற்றும் இளைஞர்களின் உளநலன் - Children and Adolescent Mental Health - Click here 

Eighth Session (Video) -  அதிர்ச்சியால் ஏற்படும் மன அழுத்தம்! Post Traumatic Stress Disorder!) - Click here 

Ninth Session (Video) - எம் திறனை அறிந்து திறமையடைவோம்! Explore your potential & Embrace your value! - Click here 


Yoga - Breathing exercise Videos by Dr.S.Ketheeswaran, Sports Science Unit, University of Jaffna. Please click on the You tube videos and enjoy.

1.      Aalntha Moochu Payirchi - Yoga

2.      Anuloma Viloma Moochu Payirchi - Yoga 

3.      Eliya Murai Moochu Payirchi - Yoga 

4.      Kabalapathi Moochu Payirchi - Yoga 

5.      Naadi Suthi Moochu Payirchi - Yoga 

6.      Suriya Petha Santhira Petha Moochu Payirchi - Yoga 

7.      Thiyanam - Yoga 

3rd WeBe Management Committee 2020 held on 07.02.2020 at 8.45 am at the Board Room of the University of Jaffna

1st WeBe Management Committee 2022 will be scheduled soon.

Ammachchi: A Traditional Food Centre is established on the request of the University of Jaffna to the students and  University community nearer to the backside gate of the Main premises by Ministry of Agriculture, Northern Province and students/staff can obtain traditional food at a reasonable prize.

Help Desk : 

Counseling:  Mrs. Savithirithevy Ravichandran (Counseling - in-Charge) 0760084067

Admin: Mr.S.Aynkaran (AR/Welfare) : 0777570106

WeBe Helpline and Office phone: 021 221 4067 

                                                         (available 24 hours , daily)

Student counselors are under training to psycho-social counseling. Part II completed on 20.11.2019

First Training Program on "Counselling" was conducted from 21.01.2019 to 24.01.2019 and Prof. Rachel Tribe from East London, UK and Prof Daya Somasundaram, Dr Sivathas, Dr S.Sivayogan and Rev Fr Damian served as resource persons. Staff members nominated by the Faculties and Units participated this training program.

Progress on Proposal submitted for the approval of renovation of building for Well-Being Centre

The National Planning department requested to submit the proposal in the new format. DR/Capital Works is preparing the proposal in the new format as prescribed. 


WeBe Management Committee 

WeBe Regional Committee

WeBe Centre of University of Jaffna is also collaborating with Prof. Rachel Tribe -  Refugee Mental Health & Well-being Portal of University of East London . Prof Rachel Tribe has visited several times to the University and trained many staff on Counseling.

School of Psychology, College of Applied Health and Communities, University of East London, Stratford Campus, Water Lane, London E15 4lZ


10th October 2021 - World Mental Health Day

The special Management Meeting of the WeBe Centre was held on 07.08.2018, Tuesday at 9.00 am at the Board Room of the University of Jaffna. The members of the JMFOA Australia also participated. 

Covid booklet Tamil and English-SLCP.pdf
Covid booklet Sinhala and English-SLCP.pdf