Virtual Learning

Hello Parents and Students!

I hope you all had a wonderful Spring Break and that you all are ready for a new way of learning! While I will miss all of your sweet smiles and cheerful faces during this time of learning at home, we are still excited for the wonderful opportunity this virtual learning experience provides.

As your special education case manager, I plan on helping your teachers offer age-appropriate, fun activities for learning over the course of the next few weeks. You can either receive packets of activities with your meals via the bussing system OR pick up your child’s packet of activities at the Elementary Office via appointments on Fridays.

The packets can also be found on our classroom websites, which are available through the School District site (​​). You can check ANY General Education Teacher’s website for this information.

Daily Announcements

Everything you need for our virtual learning adventure will be posted in the weekly drop down file.

As always I want to be available to assist you in any way I can, my contact information is listed below.

Throughout the closure I will be checking in with your family to see how things are going and if I can assist in any way.