Schedule Suggestions

Why should my child have a DAILY ROUTINE?

Routines are important. Routines establish normalcy, a way to get things done, and a sense of security. Children often fear the unknown and change can be stressful. A normal routine brings comfort and consistency to a child’s life.

Routines establish a schedule and expectations. Rather than creating a power struggle about picking up toys at the end of the day or taking a bath, a child becomes accustomed to knowing when “pick up time” and “bath time” are. Children begin to expect and complete activities without issue, and you are no longer the person telling them to “do this” and “do that.” In turn, this creates a sense of calm because everyone knows what to expect.

Routines also help children build independence, confidence, and healthy habits. Over time children become accustomed to the routine and no longer need to be told what to do. This builds confidence, independence and a sense of pride and ownership.

Routines give children something to look forward too. Every routine should have an activity or time that excites a child or gives him/her something to look forward to. Some things children look forward too are as simple as a family game night, a walk outside, a trip to the park or a bedtime story.

Finally, routines create stability and structure during times of change and stress. Children feel the most secure when things are predictable. Therefore, having a routine will give your child a sense of security during this uncertain time.

Below are some resources to help you and your child form a routine that will work for your family.