Meet Ms. Juliot

My parents have two golden retrievers whom I adore!

Camping in Colorado

My family

Hello, my name is Megan Juliot. I am a Special Education teacher at Unity Elementary. I graduated from the University of Wisconsin- Green Bay in 2014! GO PACK GO! While there I obtained my Bachelors Degree in Human Development and Public Administration with an emphasis in Non-Profit Management. (Uff duh... long title)! After becoming an education assistant, I decided to go back to school to get my Special Education certification. I taught for one year in Stevens Point, WI. Then decided to move to Northwestern, WI and got a job at Unity!

When I am not teaching, I enjoy the outdoors, playing board and card games, crafting, and taking care of foster dogs. One of my goals this summer was to complete the GANDY DANCER Trail, that’s 98 miles!

As an educator, my mission is to instill a love for learning and encourage my students to be life-long learners. It is important to keep communication open between us so please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns. I I look forward to a great year together!