Conference Schedule

Event Times are in UK - London Time. See more about Time-Zones here : TIME ZONE

Day 1: Monday 12th April - Speakers [Main Auditorium]

13:00 - 1400 (UK TIME - GMT+1)

"Think Big: IP management for small studios" - Alain Xalabarde (Zeptolab)

14:00 - 1500 (UK TIME - GMT+1)

"Altered States in VR" - Ijaz Naeem Ahmad (PNI Therapeutics)

15:00 - 1600 (UK TIME - GMT+1)

"Applications of AR and VR in Training and Education" - Milos Kojic (The Lab of Dreams)

16:00 - 1700 (UK TIME - GMT+1)

"Building your Own Board Game" - Gregory W. Grimsby (George Mason University)

Day 2: Tuesday 13th April - Speakers [Main Auditorium]

13:00 - 14:00 (UK TIME GMT+1)

"The Concept of Gamification in Non-Game Contexts" - Dr Daphne Economou (University of Westminster)

14:00 - 1500 (UK TIME - GMT+1)

"Building The Next Ubiquitous Interface" - Shriya Chintalapalli (Developer)

15:00 - 1600 (UK TIME - GMT+1)

"From Student to Expert Game Developer" - Andrej Korubov (Unity Developer @ PaperSeven)

1600 - 1700 (UK TIME - GMT+1)

"Immersive Technologies and STEM Education" - Don Balanzat (Embodied Games)

Day 3: Wednesday 14th April - Workshops

13:00 - 14:00 (UK TIME GMT+1)

"0 to 1: Backward Design for XR Simulations Workshop" - David Bass-Clark (Unity College)

14:00 - 15:00 (UK TIME GMT+1)

"UE4 Basics: Planning for Interactivity" - Drew Cattanach (University of Westminster)

Immersive Student Activities [See site for registration]

16:00 - 16:15 (UK TIME GMT+1)

"Gathering for the Days Immersive Student Activities (Immersion Beach)"

16:15 - 17:00 (UK TIME GMT+1)

"Immersive Student Activities : Boat Race"

17:10 - 18:00 (UK TIME GMT+1)

"Immersive Student Activities : Football Tournament"

Day 4: Thursday 15th April - Virtual Networking Activities

Immersive Student Activities [See site for registration]

16:00 - 16:15 (UK TIME GMT+1)

"Gathering for the Days Immersive Student Activities (Immersion Beach)"

16:15 - 18:00 (UK TIME GMT+1)

"Immersive Student Activities : Treasure Hunt"

Day 5: Friday 16th April - iLRNFuser 2021 Lunch

15:00 - 15:15 - iLRN Executive Speech

15:15 - 15:45 - iLRNFuser Launch! Theme, Rules and How to Get Started!

15:45 - 16:15 - Q&A for iLRNFuser

16:15 - 16:30 - Conference Closing Remarks