Immersive Student Activities

During the 5 days of the conference there will be some additional immersive experience for students to support networking. These events will be coordinate by our Technical G.I.CON support team. You can access the events live discussion forum under the G.I.CON forum once you register and join the activities by selecting the "Bot" choice -> see below:

We recommend your team wears the same color for these events much like a football match - Avatar customization from iLRN Virtual Interface Settings - TOP Right Corner on interface

  1. Boat Race Relay Tournament - Wednesday 14th April

The Boat Race Relay Tournament will run live on iLRN beach area. Each person in the team will have one lap around the island and the team that completes the relay in the shortest time will be the winner. The key to winning will be swapping over drivers efficiently in the relay . Subscribe using the form below for your interest by Tuesday12th April [either as a team or individuals - will be opportunities to join teams]

Google form to sign up:

  1. Football (Soccer) Battle Tournament - Wednesday 14th April /Thursday 15th April

The Football Battle Tournament will run live on iLRN football area in the campus. The tournament will follow much like the fall guys game mode hoarders -LINK - Where two teams will go on to try and keep as many of the footballs/soccer balls in the goal area in 2 minutes. The winners of each game will go on to play the other winners until one holds the title of champion.

Google form to sign up:

  1. The Treasure Hunt - Thursday 15th April

The Treasure Hunt will run live on iLRN Virtual Space: Each member will have a clue to where another member is and a clue to the final location. You will need all the clues to the final location to find it. Subscribe using the form below for your interest by Tuesday12th April [either as a team or individuals - will be opportunities to join teams]

Google form to sign up: