
National and international projects

The SARLAKES Project will develop an innovative, powerful and flexible tool for the accurate estimation of water dynamics in medium/large-size lakes thorugh the exploitation of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) products

The project aims at answering the following research questions:
  1. How can Norwegian hydropower contribute to the decarbonisation of the European power system?
  2. What are the consequences on the Norwegian power system of delivering balancing services to Europe?
  3. What are the implications of participating in several markets on operations and income of hydropower plants?
  4. What will be the impacts of future hydropower operations on environmental conditions in reservoirs?

PhyLL is working on the 4th question with a specific focus on the impacts of pumped-storage  operations on the ecosystems and on the stability of the ice cover in reservoirs.

Monitoring and forecasting of lakes across the European alpine region -- Alplakes is an open-source esa funded research project aimed at providing operational products based on a combination of remote sensing and hydrodynamic models for a number of European lakes. 

Local projects

SQUAS (Strumenti di monitoraggio e previsionali sullo stato di QUalità delle Acque Superficiali) is a one-year applied research project that aims to integrate remote sensing and modeling to develop tools to support local authorities and companies to effectively manage water quality in surface water bodies, including lakes, reservoirs, and major rivers.

Cluster Garda

In 2017, a collaboration (Cluster Garda) was established among universities, research centres, environmental protection agencies, and other institutions, interested in studying Lake Garda (Italy). As a result of the discussion, a document (Carta di Verona) was signed setting some principles for sharing ideas and efforts to improve the knowlegde of the lake.

Two scientific events were organized: the Lake GARDa ENvironmental System (GARDEN) workshops.