2nd Quarter AT School Procedures

Dear PJHS Students,

Our goal is to provide you with a learning experience that is a positive, safe, and predictable. Please review our school-wide procedures below so that you will know what to do when you in the building. It is very important to the safety and well-being of your teachers and classmates that you follow all of these rules. If you have questions, please ask one of your teachers, guidance counselor, Mr. Henderson or myself.

Take Care,

Mrs. Hesser, PJHS Principal

Before Coming to School

Health Certification Via App

Families must certify the health of each child BEFORE they come to school each day. This is for the health and safety of all students and staff.

  • Download the app called UNIT 5 SAFE at the Apple or Google app store. Here is a LINK to download the APP.

  • If you do not want to download the APP, you can use this WEBLINK to self certify.

Arriving at School

Bus Arrival

Buses will arrive at the bus lane. Students will remain on buses until a PJHS Staff Member signals the driver to dismiss students. Students will enter the building in a socially distanced manner. All 6th grade bus students enter the 6th grade bus hall door and proceed directly to their breakfast or morning location to wait. All 7th & 8th grade bus students enter the 7th grade bus hall door and proceed directly to their breakfast or morning location to wait. A staff member will be at each door with hand sanitizer for students to use as they enter the building.

Family Drop-Off

6th Grade Students: You need to be dropped off in the Parkside Junior High School parking lot towards the end of the circle drive in the front lot. Students will walk on the sidewalk to the 6th grade bus hallway door. At the direction of a PJHS Staff Member, students will enter the building, sit on blue dots in the 6th grade & exploratory hallway, filling in from the furthest location from the 6th grade bus hall door. P team sits on the south side of the hall. Y team sits on the North side of the hall.

7th & 8th Grade Students: You need to be dropped off at the main door. 7th Graders: Enter the building, keep right, go to the gym, sit on a blue dot with your team. 8th Graders: O TEAM- Enter the building, turn right down the 8th grade hall and sit at a blue dot. N TEAM- Enter the building and sit at a blue dot on one of the cafeteria tables.

Need Breakfast? Students who need breakfast will go directly to cafeteria breakfast line A and then to the IMC through the 6th grade hall to eat. Students must sit at designated areas in the IMC and keep their mask on unless they are eating.

Walking to School

6th Grade Students: Walk on the sidewalk down Parkside Road to the concrete area front of the bus drive sidewalk. Students will wait on the sidewalk to be escorted through the bus drive to the 6th grade bus hallway door. At the direction of a PJHS Staff Member, students will enter the building, apply hand sanitizer, sit on blue dots in the 6th grade & exploratory hallway, filling in from the furthest location from the 6th grade bus hall door. P team on the South side, Y team on the North side. Students who need breakfast will go directly to the cafeteria breakfast line.

7th and 8th Grade Students: Walk to the main entrance door. At the direction of a PJHS Staff Member, students will enter the building, apply hand sanitizer, and sit on blue dots in the gym for 7th grade. 8th grade O team students will sit on a blue dot in the 8th grade hall and N team students will sit at a blue dot on a cafeteria table, filling in from the furthest location.

Need Breakfast? Students who need breakfast will go directly to the cafeteria breakfast line A and then through the 6th grade hallway to the IMC to eat. Students will sit at designated locations and wear masks unless eating.

Waiting for School to Start

While waiting for school to begin, students will go directly to either the breakfast line in the cafeteria or their designated grade level locations. Upon entering the location, students will go to the next open spot (furthest away) on the floor to sit on a blue dot. The blue dots are spaced 6 feet apart. Students are expected to stay seated on their blue dot until dismissed by a supervisor.

6th Grade Locations: P Team on South Side of 6th Grade Hall and Y Team on North Side of the 6th Grade Hall, Exploratory Hall, or Bus Hall

7th Grade Locations: T TEAM in the Gym on the North of Divider and H TEAM in the Gym South of the Divider

8th Grade Locations: O TEAM in the 8th Grade Hall and N TEAM in the Cafeteria


Need Breakfast? Once inside the building, students will go directly to the breakfast line (line A). The breakfast line is the line closest to the 6th grade hallway. Students will space themselves out on the blue dots on the floor in line A. Students will take their breakfast and travel down the 6th grade hallway and enter the IMC from the 6th grade side. Students will sit at designated spots in the IMC and wear their mask unless eating.

Passing Period to 1st Hour

Student dismissal to 1st period will proceed in the following manner: At 8:35 a.m., All P Team 6th graders in the 6th grade hall and O Team 8th graders in the 8th grade hall will be dismissed to class. At 8:40 a.m., all Y Team 6th graders in the 6th grade hall and N Team 8th graders in the cafeteria will be dismissed to class. At 8:45 a.m., All H Team students will be dismissed from the gym through the south door to the exploratory hallway. All T Team students who have PE will stay in the gym.


Lockers will not be visited upon arrival. Students must go directly to their grade level location or breakfast with their coat/backpack. Lockers will be assigned in an alternating manner based on the days students are present. This will ensure that no student has a locker directly next to another student on any given day. Your teacher will explain the times when you are able to visit your locker.


Entering & Exiting the Cafeteria/Gym

Students will enter the cafeteria/gym by team in a staggered manner. They will apply hand sanitizer at their tables. They will go directly to their assigned seats and wait to be dismissed. They will put their backpack under the table.

Lunch Locations

Students will be assigned by team to either the lunchroom or gym. The gym will have tables and chairs set up on the concrete side of the floor. 6Y-Gym, 6P Cafeteria, 7H-Gym 7T-Cafeteria, 8O-Gym, 8N- Cafeteria

Assigned Seats

Students will sit at tables by team (3 per table in the cafeteria, 2 per table in the gym) and this will be their assigned seat. Students will sit at their assigned blue dot and stay within the area designated by black tape on the table. 6Y-Gym, 6P Cafeteria, 7H-Gym 7T-Cafeteria, 8O-Gym, 8N- Cafeteria

Waiting in Line

Students will be released by a lunchroom supervisor to a specified lunch line by table. Each student will move down the center aisle, maintaining six feet of separation and using the blue dots and black lines on the floor as a guide.

Eating Lunch

Students will eat lunch at their assigned tables. Students may remove their masks while they are eating and drinking. Dots and black tape are set up at the tables to indicate where students will need to be seated.

Visiting the Restroom

Students will need to be released to go to the restroom. Students will raise their hands and be dismissed by the lunchroom supervisor. A maximum number of 4 boys and 4 girls will be allowed to be in the restroom at one time. If for some reason there are more than 4 people in the restroom, students will wait for their turn at a blue dot outside the restroom door.

Moving Around the Cafeteria/Gym

Students will be released by a lunch supervisor to throw away trays (nearest movable cart in center aisle), go to the rest room etc. Students will raise hands and supervisors will release them from the table. Students are not to move from their designated location without permission.

Dismissal from Lunch

Students will be dismissed from lunch by team. Lunchroom supervisors will release individual tables one at a time. Students will proceed directly to their next class mindful of social distancing without stopping at a locker or to use the restroom.

Grab and Go Lunch

Grab and go lunches will be served for at least the first two weeks of school to facilitate quick movement through the lunch line while we are managing other areas of the lunch procedures.


Social Distance While in Hallway

Students will stay on the right side of the center black line. Students will maintain a social distance from other students of 6 feet. Blue dots on the hallway floor will help students with distancing. Students will display proper use of masks and refrain from physical contact with any other students while in the hallway. Students will not stop to chat with others in the hallway.

Staggered Bell Schedule

Teams will dismiss students at different times to help minimize the number of students in the hallways.

Restroom Use

Barring a student emergency, only one student at a time is allowed to use the restroom from any given class. Teachers may call the office to support more than one student visiting the restroom at a time. The maximum capacity of any restroom is 4 students. If there are already 4 students in the restroom, students will wait outside on the designated blue dots in the hallway.

Health & Hygiene


Students will maintain six feet social distancing while they are in the bathroom. Social distancing dots will be placed on the floor to help students observe the guidelines. Students will be able to use every stall, but every other sink, and urinal will be decommissioned. Students will continue to wear their masks at all times. Proper handwashing is expected.


Students must wear a mask at all times in the building. Masks must cover the nose and chin. Students will avoid touching the mask while they are wearing it. Masks must be changed if they get dirty or wet. Masks should be removed from the straps on the ears without touching the mask.


Students will wash their hands for a minimum of 20 seconds before they eat, after they cough or sneeze, after they use the restroom, and before cooking. Hand sanitizer can be used instead if hands are not visibility dirty.

Coughing & Sneezing

Students will follow proper etiquette including: 1. Cough and sneeze in your elbow through your mask, 2. Wash your hands or use hand sanitizer after you cough and/or sneeze, and 3. Discard of used kleenex, etc. immediately after using.

Hand Sanitizer

Students are encouraged to use hand sanitizer regularly. If hands are visibly dirty, they must be washed for a minimum of 20 seconds with soap and water. Hand sanitizer will be available throughout the building.


Students are allowed to take their masks off to eat. Social distancing must continue to be observed during this time. Students should wash their hands or use hand sanitizer before eating. Washing hands is recommended if your hands are visibly dirty.

Social Distancing

At least 6 feet of social distancing should be maintained between individuals as much as possible at all times.

Daily Health Certification

Families must certify the health of each child BEFORE they come to school each day. This is for the health and safety of all students and staff.

  • Download the app called UNIT 5 SAFE at the Apple or Google app store. Here is a LINK to download the APP.

  • If you do not want to download the APP, you can use this WEBLINK to self certify.

Visiting the Nurse

Students should only visit the nurse if they are ill or injured. Students will need to obtain a pass from a classroom teacher. If possible, all minor issues, except for sickness, should be handled at the classroom level.

Students Who Become Sick During the Day

Students who become sick during the day need to be isolated. They will be sent to the nurse's office. There is a maximum capacity of 8. Room 96 will be used for overflow. The nurse will contact parents to pick up students. Students will stay isolated until the parent arrives. Students will follow exclusion protocol for return to school.

Water Fountains/Water Bottles

All water fountains have been decommissioned at this time. Please bring a water bottle to school each day. Water bottle filling stations may be used to refill the bottle.

End of Day Dismissal

Dismissal of Bus Riders

Students will be dismissed by teams on staggered schedules. 7th grade bus riders will exit out of the 7th grade doors. 6th grade bus riders will be dismissed out of the 6th grade doors. 8th grade bus riders will exit out of the main entrance. Students will go directly to their bus. Students need to remember to social distance as they get on the bus and to follow the directions for seating given by the bus driver. Once seated, students must remain in their seats, avoid touching others and must wear their mask during the bus ride.

Dismissal for Family Pick-Up

Students will be dismissed by teams on staggered schedules. 7th grade parent pick up will exit out of the 7th grade doors. 6th grade parent pickup will exit out of the 6th grade doors. 8th grade parent pick up will exit out of the main entrance doors. Students will travel from their designated exit to the front of the building to wait for their parents to pick them up.

Dismissal of Walkers

Students will be dismissed by teams on staggered schedules. 7th grade walkers will exit out of the 7th grade doors. 6th grade walkers will be dismissed out of the 6th grade doors. 8th grade walkers will exit out of the 8th grade doors. Walkers will cross the bus lane to Parkside Road and be allowed to walk home from that location.