Eagle Nation

abides by three core values: all individuals should be respectful, be responsible, and be safe. Furthermore, individuals within Eagle Nation are expected to have the ability to define right from wrong, own their behavior, and understand their impact on the community around them.

We hold our students to these standards, but we also need your partnership in helping students abide by these expectations. Throughout the year, Evans provides activities and opportunities for students to work on these skills. You can help us by reinforcing these skills at home, too. When we are a united front for our students, we allow them to grow socially, emotionally, and behaviorally!

More information regarding how we work with our Eagles to "soar" can be found on our website here!

We fly together.

It is more important than ever to listen to - and elevate - the voices, experiences, and history of our fellow students and families of color who are deeply affected by current events.

For it is the human aspect of education - the way our lived experiences mold and challenge one another - that makes our time together at Evans vastly different from any other lived experience. Current events may spark an ongoing movement, but for Eagle Nation, these current events continue to solidify our resolve of both the critical reflection and honest conversation within our school community for people of all ages, socioeconomic backgrounds, and lived experiences to engage with issues of racial justice. When one member of our school family hurts - we all hurt.

This is because we fly together.

To the students of Evans: What makes Eagle Nation so special is that we are all individuals working together to do the best we can for one another. Eagle Nation can be - and will continue to be - the conduit for all of us to understand one another and work together to be better for each other. Maya Angelou is quoted as saying, “Do the best you can until you know better, then when you know better, do better.” Eagle Nation will continue to work against the detrimental factors of racism, implicit biases, fear, and ignorance. For ignorance is not saying, “I don’t know.” Instead, ignorance is when an individual says, “I don’t want to know.” Now, more than ever, is the time to "know." Together, we can continue to work to make today and tomorrow better for our future generations through great teaching, equitable resources, challenging curriculum, and working towards eliminating racial inequities.

To all of Eagle Nation: Specifically, at Evans, these efforts have been - and will continue to be happening - through: maintaining the work begun last fall with local experts regarding implicit bias and racial inequity in education; our continued partnership, student mentoring program, and student leadership opportunities with the Bloomington-Normal alumni chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi, Inc.; and sustaining our school improvement emphasis and focus on academic and behavioral achievement gaps among our student subgroups.

This is because when we fly - we fly together.

“Be the Good” is not a catchphrase or a “safe haven” to help us “feel good” about the person we are - because frankly - it’s never been enough within Eagle Nation to just be a “good person.” Instead, to "Be the Good" is fully lived when our individual differences - skin color, personal lived experiences, economic backgrounds, personal histories, struggles and celebrations - are seen and are honored by one another. It is only then that the ultimate beauty of Eagle Nation is demonstrated to others.

This is not about using someone else’s trauma as a trend. This is not a singular action in response to a crisis moment. This is the continued evolution and growth of Evans Junior High School, as an inviting, supportive, and safe environment where, as stated in our school's mission, we "promote each student's personal excellence by establishing trusting relationships among students, staff, and families, building community partnerships that support and embrace innovation and fostering a sense of pride in our school."

When one member of our school family hurts - we all hurt. However, when we fly, we fly high because we always fly together.

Flying Lessons

Be The Good

Welcome to Eagle Nation's "Flying Lessons!" These videos are used as proactive, universal behavioral learning tools to educate and introduce our students - as told by students - to basic Eagle Nation behavioral norms.

Student and Staff Respect

Video two in our series asks you to contemplate what "responding with respect" looks like, along with the idea that "your thoughts and responses don't need to match."

Peer Respect

It's all of our jobs to be respectful and support one another! With that said, number three in this series of "Flying Lessons" focuses on student to student respectful behavior. It focuses on the ideas of "lifting one another up," being kind to others and "their stuff," and most importantly - how we can be alert to when others need our help!

Respect Around Evans

The cafeteria, the bathrooms, and the bus are universal areas for our student body. Respectful, responsible, and safe behaviors are crucial in these locations! Find out specific expectations for these areas with this video!

"See" the Good

"Being the Good" is more than just your actions. How can you recognize the good in others? How can you be the positive change you want within Eagle Nation?

Respect "Check"

Please watch this introductory video and join our campaign to #BeTheGood by talking about the seven skills necessary to demonstrate respect, kindness, and consideration for others with your student. What skills does your student identify as individual strengths? Are there any skills your student feels he or she can focus as a growth area in his or her daily interactions with others? Finally, how can your student #BeTheGood not just for him or herself, but for others in Evans, too?

Binge Eagle Nation Videos

Watch more of Eagle Nation on our official YouTube channel.