Risk Assessment


Students that elect to engage in a CAS experience that is not organized by the school must complete this Risk Assessment Form. This challenges the student to think critically and logically about their health and well-being when engaging in independent CAS experiences.

This is an exercise in risk mitigation, so students will be tasked with presenting three possible risks or hazards that may occur while engaging in the experience. Considering our current climate it would be very appropriate to include risks and mitigation plans surrounding COVID-19 and physical distancing.


  • Present a possible risk or hazard that you may encounter while engaging in this experience

  • Identify the consequence and rank from a scale of 1-5 (1= Negligible, 5= Severe)

  • Rate the likelihood of that risk/hazard happening on a scale of 1-5 (1= Rare, 5= Almost certain)

  • List the steps that you can take to minimize that risk from happening.

Once you have filled out the form, you will automatically receive a pdf copy sent to your email address. You are asked to:

  • Print the form and get the signature of your supervisor and your parent to confirm you have discussed your participation in the experience.

  • Once you have the signatures then you will need to upload the form to your CAS portfolio on Managebac.

  • If your risk/hazard falls in the orange or red sections, then in order for the experience to be approved you will have to meet with the CAS Coordinator to discuss the risks.