Research Areas

“If We Knew What We Were Doing, It Would Not Be Called Research, Would It?”

- Albert Einstein

Hybrid Rocket Engine

Hybrid Rocket is a low cost high efficient propulsive system that can meet significant and ever growing space launch demand. my current research interests lays in the exploration of Innovative fuels for the Hybrid Rocket, design and sizing of the Hybrid Rocket for different mission needs, Regression rate improvement technics and fuels characterisation.


Hypersonic vehicles fly faster than five times the speed of sound and can enable a new class of flight vehicles that enable faster access to space, rapid military response at long range, and faster means of commercial air travel. Though there are many experiments to better understand the combustion phenomena, the time taken for this phenomenon is very small, i.e., around milli seconds. Therefore, this usually creates a great problem. Theoretical (physical) understanding in this field is quite low. The study of fuel injection, mixing and combustion in supersonic flows is the topic of an on-going research, rich in problems involving theory, modelling and having fundamental and applied significance. The overall goal my current research is to develop physics-based models and high-fidelity numerical methods to predict the operation of hypersonic flight vehicles and to discover new hypersonic flow physics.

Micro Thruster

Access to space and the development of low-cost satellites require miniature propulsion technologies, such as chemical and electric propulsion, in order to achieve mission requirements and maintain satellite position. My current research involves in the 3D printed solid propellants for meeting this demands in CubeSat applications.

Materials Engineering

My research in Material Science involves mostly in the study of green propellants for space applications, Fuels characterisation techniques such as

  • Thermal Characterization


  • Optical and electron microscopy (SEM, TEM)

  • Mechanical testing and

  • Additive Manufacturing techniques

  • Study of High energetic metal particles for propellant applications.