Sustainability Assessment

We are a research-intensive group that focuses its core activity on providing advanced environmental and sustainable solutions for different sectors such as development of green processes and new materials, waste management, industry and biotechnology.

Our group is specialized in sustainability assessments of novel technologies and innovative materials considering the three pillars of sustainability (environmental, economic and social aspects) as well in circularity analysis and risk management.

We have a vast experience in several sectors such as advanced materials and high-performance, green components, waste management, green manufacturing, secondary raw materials recovery & recycling, energy efficiency at industrial level, etc.

Among other relevant boards in the field of sustainability at European and International levels, we are member of the BIC consortium.


We support organisations in the improvement of their social and environmental performances, adopting circular economy principles and increasing profitability in a sustainable manner. As a strategic partner, we help define commercial and communication strategies that will accelerate market uptake of early innovation technologies.


We work to contribute meaningfully towards a more sustainable world for our children.

This is what motivates us to become influential actors of environmental transformation and leading eco-friendly practices in Europe and across the world.


We are committed to being fully transparent about how we plan, execute and deliver our services. We will maintain excellent communication with our customers, working hand in hand and regularly informing them of the development of each project along the value chain. We are fully committed to delivering our services on time and to meeting or exceeding expectations while maintaining the confidentiality of the data shared between us and our customers.

Technical excellence

We are committed to adding value to our customers through our skilled team of professionals, employees and in-house expert consultants who demonstrate technical excellence in their field and strong practical experience. We are committed to working with a state of mind of total quality, ensuring that our deliverables are fully compliant with our quality standards before delivery.

Strong sense of ethics

We are committed to always providing our services with respect, honesty, fairness and integrity. We commit ourselves to always respect this ethical framework and never to compromise it, whether internally among the members of our team or in relation with our customers.


Our strategy is anchored to our vision and values with our efforts aligned with the United Nation’s Sustainability Development Goals (UN SDG). These efforts demonstrate our commitment to reducing hunger, assuring gender equality, providing affordable clean water and energy, contributing to the development of innovative industries, buildings and cities, and processes.

In order to maximise the impact of our efforts, we actively participate in an international network of organisations related to the best environmental and R&D practices.