Numerical Optimization and Data Science (Master in Finance, LM in Mathematics) a.a. 2023 - 24

Start date:  March 5, 2024

Tuesday 16 - 18, room B2

Thursday 16 - 18, room B4

Texts for further information:

Matlab sessions:


Newton's method exercise,  

Lab2:  Newton's method   (possibile code: main driver, calling the Newton function)

Lab3   Line Search methods using this backtracking version with Armijo rule 

   (tip: write a matlab function  [xk1,alphak]= backtrack(fun,xk,gk,dk) and use the backtracking parameters  sigma=1.e-4; rho=1/4; alphamin=1.e-5; alpha0 = 1 )

Lab4:  Quasi-Newton  (some solutions:   out_QN_m1m1    out_QN_22   out_QN_05m05)

(Lab5:  Nonlinear CG) skipped this year

Lab6study of all methods seen so far for the  Rosenbrock function    (some solutions:   out_QN_m1m1_rosenbrock   out_QN_0505_rosenbrock


Lab7: Trust Region for Rosenbrock function (some solutions)

Lab8: Gauss-Newton and Levenberg-Marquart methods for nonlinear Least Square problems

Lab9:  ANN