Frequently Asked Questions

My child wants to sign up to participate in a try-out or a no cut sport, but I don't see the form. Where can I find this? 

If you don't currently see a link to the form then it is not yet available. Forms are typically available a week or two prior to the tryout or beginning of the sport. 

I am hoping to schedule other activities for my child, so I want to know what time practices might be for my desired sport to avoid them overlapping. 

Unfortunately, we don't have practice schedules for every sport as they will be determined by individual coaches and coaches have not yet been established for all sports. However, as a general rule, practices will take place directly after school on Monday-Thursdays on days where games are not already scheduled. There will be no practices (or games) on the weekends or during school breaks. 

Does my child need a sports physical to participate?

At this time a sports physical is not required. Should that ever change we will make sure parents are informed with plenty of time to have one completed in time to participate.