
Curated by Martin Benjamin

This year photography students studied color digital photography using Instagram as a platform for education. They posted serious photography only, to class-dedicated accounts, to receive feedback from classmates immediately. Every day was like a mini-critique. Students in Photo1 did exercises about light, color, texture, vantage point, self-portraits, and then a final personal project about love and expression. Students in Photo 3 and 4 chose a personal project and work on it from conceptualization to finished portfolio.

-Martin Benjamin

The Spring 2020 term was unique. When the college closed because of Covid-19 almost everyone went home and worked remotely. In response to such an unusual time the Photography Section published this 12"x12" hardcover book as students documented their life during Coronavirus. The images in this book reflect the frightened and uncertain state of the students, and of the world at the time. We printed a limited edition of 23 numbered copies to be distributed to the students in the class, and to notables on campus.

Each participant, including Professor Martin Benjamin and Photo Lab Technician Frank Rapant has a two page spread. It can be difficult to tell where one photographer begins and the previous one ends in this pdf layout.


Julian Banerji

Photo 1

Matthew Bidgood

Photo 1

Robert coleman

Photo 1

Aram Festekjian

Photo 1

Samantha Kelley

Photo 1

Michelle Moina

Photo 1

Dionis Polanco

Photo 1

Samantha Siegel

Photo 1

Alexander Stein

Photo 1

Yiran Zhang

Photo 1

Seth Bartkoski

Photo 1

Bridget Cunningham

Photo 1

Lainie Fryer

Photo 1

Khadyja Jalloh

Photo 1

Cole Kammler

Photo 1

Samantha Ossoff

Photo 1

Lu Zhang

Photo 1

Kylie Alberts

Photo 1

Cozette Blumenfeld

Photo 1

Noah Couturier

Photo 1

Owen Donovan

Photo 1

Adam Ginsberg

Photo 1

Christopher Pailas

Photo 1

Aarya Rijal

Photo 1

Madeline Schaffer

Photo 1

Michelle Tremblay

Photo 1

Taylor Brierley

Photo 1

Sophie Brown

Photo 1

Alex Hancock

Photo 1

Sophie HutheR

Photo 1

Josh Kent

Photo 1

Saliha Nazir

Photo 1

Rochelle Nuqui

Photo 1

Brianna Weissel

Photo 1

Recreating old family photos in the space in which they were originally made.

Chongyi Zhang

Photo 4

My Friend

Leah Pezanowski

Photo 4

Demystifying The Feminine

Kylie Alberts

Photo 3

Recreating images from the 1983 Union Book

Leo Cavedagne

Photo 3


Owen Donovan

Photo 3


Rayna Katzman

Photo 3

People (candid)

Aarya Rijal

Photo 3

People (directorial)

Michelle Tremblay

Photo 3


Brianna Weisel

Photo 4


Trace Whalen

Photo 3

Schenectady During Covid