
After the success of the first meeting https://sites.google.com/uninettunouniversity.net/meetinggda held last May 2023, the Gruppo di Attività ANA&A SIMAI has also planned a new workshop for 2024, again with the aim of uniting the academic world with that of companies that use mathematical models for their activities . 

The Gruppo di Attività ANA&A SIMAI was born from the experience of the Research ITalian network on Approximation (RITA).

The Gruppo di Attività ANA&A SIMAI is focused on approximation theory and related applications. In particular, the main goals of the group are devoted to the solutions of mathematical models both from a strictly theoretical point of view, even with the use of flexible tools such as special functions and, in particular, orthogonal polynomials, and by developing efficient methods and implementable algorithms, up to to the construction of dedicated software in order to support industrial applications of mathematics.

At the basis of the study of the various mathematical models, different lines of research, which are complementary to each other, based on the theory of approximation, merge.