
Thursday April 18th

14.00 – 14.15 Opening Session

Session I Chairman Renato Spigler

14.15 – 14.40 Giorgio Riccardi (University of Campania)

Alcune applicazioni delle Funzioni Speciali in Meccanica dei Fluidi

14.40 – 15.05 Luca Placidi (Uninettuno University)

A new computational method for fatigue behavior

15.05 – 15.30 Artur Ishkhanyan (Armenian Academy of Sciences)

Heun function solutions of the Schrödinger equation 

15.30 - 15.55 Roman Dmytryshyn (Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University)

Approximation of analytic functions of several variables by multidimensional A- and J-fractions with independent variables

15.55 – 16.20 Coffee break

Session II Chairman Alessandra De Rossi

16.20 – 16.45 Seda Karateke (Istanbul Aydin University) 

Generalized logistic-type function and its applications

16.45 – 17.10 Domenico Mezzanotte (University of Turin) 

A Nyström method for second-kind Volterra-Fredholm equations 

17.10 – 17.35 Karolina Armonaite (Uninettuno University)

Insights on neurophysiological signal analysis methods

17.35 - 18.00 Samira Iscaro (University of Salerno)

An epidemiological models based approach to predict the spread of information on Twitter

18.00 - 18.25 Youssouf Massoun (University of Algiers)

Numerical study of fractional covid-19 model 

20.00 Social Dinner

Friday April 19th

Session III (Industrial Session) Chairman Salvatore Cuomo

9.00 – 9.25 Tigran Ishkhanyan (Wolfram Research, USA

Implementing Heun and other special functions into Mathematica: a real-life R&D process 

9.25 – 9.50 Maria Ferro (BTINKEENG)

Automated Crew Sheduling

9.50 – 10.15 Paolo Landolfo (Pro Logic Informatica s.r.l.)

Un caso applicativo di Matematica Applicata nell'AI

10.15 – 10.40 Eugenio D’Ursi (Automate s.r.l.)

Digital Airport Operation System

10.40 – 11.10 coffee break

11.10 – 11.35 Lorenzo Ricciardi Celsi (Insoore )

Gen AI for vehicle damage detection: the case of Insoore

11.35 – 12.00 Gianluca Milano (SPICI s.r.l.)

Progetti della divisione Fabritech

12.00 – 13.00 Round Table (Industrial Session)

13.00 – 14.30 Lunch

Session IV Chairman Donatella Occorsio

14.30 – 14.55  Domenico Vitulano (Sapienza University of Rome)

A time-scale analysis of financial crises similarity 

14.55 – 15.20 Salvatore Cuomo (University Federico II, Napoli)

Scientific Machine Learning in Industrial Applications

15.20 – 15.45 Federico Nudo (University of Padova)

Enrichment strategy for the standard linear finite element

15.45 – 16.10 Giampaolo Rossi (Uninettuno University)

Enhancing Math Education for Visually Impaired Students: Alternative Text Implementation in LaTeX, MathML, MathJax, and LAMBDA

16.10 - 16.40 coffee break

Session V Chairman Clemente Cesarano

16.40 – 17.05 Adeeba Haider (University of Turin)

Artificial Intelligence-Based Computing using neural networks: Applications to Rumors and Epidemics Models

17.05 – 17.30 William Ramirez (Uninettuno University)

A degenerate version of hypergeometric Bernoulli polynomials: announcement of results 

17.30 – 17.55 Yamilet Quintana (University Carlos III, Madrid)

Mixed-type hypergeometric Bernoulli-Gegenbauer polynomials: some properties

17.55 – 18.20 Roberto Garra (Uninettuno University)

Hadamard-type fractional calculus and applications