Rete ITaliana di Approssimazione
Research ITalian network on Approximation (RITA)
The "Research ITalian network on Approximation (RITA)" groups several italian numerical analysts working on Multivariate Approximation. In this website we collect all research topics and activites of RITA members and institutions.
At the moment the network is among the following institutions and people:
Department of Mathematics "Tullio Levi-Civita", University of Padova
staff members: Stefano De Marchi, Wolfgang Erb, Francesco Marchetti, Fabio Marcuzzi, Federico Piazzon, Alvise Sommariva, Marco Vianello
post-doc: Maryam Mohammadi, Ludovico Bruni
phd students: Cinzia Bandiziol
external collaborators: Davide Poggiali
Topics: meshless approximation theory and algorithms; numerical cubature and polynomial approximation; mathematical system modelling from data; high performance computing; multivariate polynomial approximation; kernel-based approximation; mapped bases; barycentric rational approximation; medical image analysis and reconstruction; generalized Bernstein operators; kernel methods and machine learning
International collaborations: A. M. Acu (University of Sibiu), B. Bauman (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), J.-P. Berrut (University of Fribourg), L. Bialas-Ciez (Jagiellonian University Krakow), M. Buhmann (University of Giessen), J.-P. Calvi (Univ. of Toulouse III), K. Hormann (Univ. della Svizzera Italiana), A. Iske (Univ. of Hamburg), A. Kroo (Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest), E. Larsson (University of Uppsala), G. Meurant (CEA), P. Leopardi (Australian Gov. Bureau of Meteorology, Melbourne), N. Levenberg (Indiana Univ., Bloomington), M. Mohammadi (Kharazmi University Teheran), I. Rasa (Technical University Cluj-Napoca), R. Schaback (Univ. of Goettingen), K. Usevich (CNRS, Grenoble), H. Wendland (University of Bayreuth), Y. Xu (Univ. of Oregon, Eugene)
Visiting 2023: M. Mohammadi (Kharazmi University) 5/1-6/2 2023, A. M. Acu ("Lucian Blaga" University of Sibiu) and I. Rasa (Technical University of Cluj-Napoca) 16-22/1 2023, L. Bialas-Ciez (Jagellonian University of Cracow) 16-24/1 2023
Visiting 2022: A. M. Acu ("Lucian Blaga" University of Sibiu) 19/2-12/3 2022, A. Iske (University of Hamburg) 17-22/12 2022
Visiting 2020: L. Bialas-Ciez (Jagellonian University of Cracow) and M. Baran (Pedagogical University of Cracow) 12-22/2 2020
Visiting 2019: A. Kroo (Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest) 1-30/6 2019, A. P. Peron (University of São Paulo, São Carlos) 14-25/1 2019, L. Plaskota (Univ. of Warsaw) 9-18/1 2019 [phd-course], A. Weinmann (Darmstadt Univ. of Applied Sciences) 13-31/5 2019
Visiting 2018: N. Levenberg (Indiana Univ., Bloomington) 27/4-5/5 2018, M. Slawinski (Memorial University of Newfoundland) 18-22/6 2018
Visiting 2017: A. Kroo (Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest) 8/1-8/4 2017, A. Neisy (Allameh Tabataba'i Univ.) 19/7-22/8 2017, W. Erb (Univ. of Hawaii, Honolulu) 24-28/7 2017, A. Weinmann (Univ. of Darmstadt) 24-28/7 2017, M. Buhmann (Univ. of Giessen) 30/10-4/11 2017, H. Wendland (Univ. of Bayreuth) 6-27/11 2017 [seminar-abstract]
Department of Computer Science, University of Verona
staff members: Len Bos, Marco Caliari
phd student: Franco Zivcovich
Topics: polynomial, trigonometric and rational interpolation and approximation; matrix exponential approximation by interpolation
International collaborations: T. Bloom (Univ. of Toronto), J.-P. Calvi (Univ. of Toulouse III), K. Hormann (Univ. of Lugano), N. Levenberg (Indiana Univ., Bloomington), A. Ostermann and S. Rainer (Univ. of Innsbruck), S. Waldron (Univ. of Auckland)
Visiting 2017: A. Ostermann (Univ. of Innsbruck) 24/4-5/5 2017
Department of Environmental Sciences, Informatics and Statistics (DAIS), Ca' Foscari University of Venezia
staff member: Gabriele Santin
Department of Mathematics and Applications, University of Milano - Bicocca
staff member: Milvia Rossini
Topics: meshfree approximation, kernel based methods, approximation theory, wavelets, mathematica signal and image processing
International collaborations: F. Arandiga and R. Donat (Univ. of Valencia), C. Rabut (INSA Toulouse), T. Sauer (Univ of Passau), R. Schaback (Univ. of Goettingen)
Department of Mathematics "Giuseppe Peano", University of Torino
staff members: Roberto Cavoretto, Alessandra De Rossi, Incoronata Notarangelo, Ezio Venturino, Alberto Viscardi
post-doc: Giacomo Elefante, Domenico Mezzanotte
phd student: Francesca Acotto, Sandro Lancellotti, Adeeba Haider
Topics: kernel methods; meshless approximation and applications; approximation theory in medical imaging; adaptive methods for PDEs ; approximation algorithms for biological models; artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms; traffic models for sustainable mobility; subdivision schemes; design of curves and surfaces; weighted polynomial approximation; numerical methods for integral equations; quadrature formulas; orthogonal polynomials
International collaborations: S. Demertzis (Cardiocentro Ticino, Lugano), M. Esmaeilbeigi (Malayer Univ.), G.E. Fasshauer (Colorado School of Mines, Golden), A. Guessab (Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour), M. Haque (Univ. of Nottingham), K. Hormann (Univ. della Svizzera Italiana), P. Junghanns (Chemnitz University of Technology), E. Larsson (Uppsala Univ.), S. López-Ureña (Univ. de Vaència), H. Malchow (Osnabrueck Univ.), M. Mayr (FH Wiener Neustadt), M.J. McCourt (SigOpt, Inc., San Francisco), G. V. Milovanovic (Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts), B. Quatember and W. Recheis (Univ. of Innsbruck), J. Stöckler (TU Dortmund),H. Wendland (Univ. of Bayreuth), J. Szabados and P. Vértesi (Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences), L. Szili (Lorànd Eötvös University and Budapest University of Technology and Economics)
Visiting 2023: K. Hormann (Università della Svizzera Italiana), M. Marva Ruiz (universidad de Alcalá), A. Guessab (Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour)
Visiting 2022: D. Leviatan (Tel Aviv University), A. Guessab (Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour) 14-23/04
Dipartimento di Scienze Matematiche "G.L. Lagrange" (DISMA), Politecnico di Torino
staff members: Emma Perracchione
post-doc: Katsiaryna Bahamazava, Gianluca Audone
external collaborators: Fabiana Camattari
Topics: approximation theory; inverse problems; kernels; machine learning; imaging; applications to solar physics
International collaborations: Prof. G. Hurford (Space Sciences Laboratory, California); Prof. T. Chácon Rebollo, (University of Sevilla, Spain); Prof. J.M. Vega (E.T.S.I. Aeronáuticos, UPM, Madrid, Spain); Prof. M. Azaïez (INP Bordeaux, France); Dr. S. Dutta (US Army, USA); Prof. M. Buhmann, (University of Giessen, Germay)
Department of Mathematics, University of Genova
staff member: Cristina Campi
post-doc: Mohammad Karimnejad Esfahani
phd-students: Isabella Cama
Topics: kernel methods; surface reconstruction for inverse problems; medical and astronomical imaging
Department of Mathematics, Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna
staff member: Lucia Romani
Topics: geometric modeling; numerical methods for CAGD; refinable functions; subdivision schemes; image analysis and segmentation
International collaborations: G. Albrecht (Univ. of Medellin), N. Dyn (Tel Aviv Univ.), V. Hernandez Mederos and J. Estrada Sarlabous (ICIMAF, Havana), J.-L. Merrien (INSA Toulouse), J. Stockler (TU Dortmund), M. Unser (EPFL Lausanne), J. Yoon (Ewha W. Univ. Seul)
Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Firenze
staff member: Costanza Conti
Topics: subdivision,splines, approximation theory, regression analysis
International collaborations: A. Cuyt (Universiteit Antwerpen), N. Dyn (Tel Aviv Univ.), S. López-Ureña (Univ. de Vaència), J.-L. Merrien (INSA Toulouse), T. Sauer (Univ. of Passau), J. Stockler (TU Dortmund), M. Unser (EPFL Lausanne), J. Yoon (Ewha W. Univ. Seul)
Visiting 2018: D. Labate (Houston Univ.) 15/5-13/6 2018
Visiting 2017: S. Huning (TU Graz) 10/9-24/12 2017, S. Lopez Urena (Univ. of Valencia) 1/10-24/12 2017, J.-L. Merrien (INSA Toulouse) 22-28/1 2017
School of Science and Technology (Matematics division), University of Camerino
staff members: Renato De Leone, Nadaniela Egidi, Lorella Fatone, Josephin Giacomini, Pierluigi Maponi
phd students: Marica Magagnini, Edin Trebovic, Ettore Mancinelli
external collaborators: Alessia Perticarini
Topics: numerical methods for PDE; polynomial interpolation and approximation; spectral methods; image analysis; inverse problems; classification and regression problems; Support Vector Machines; numerical methods for integral equations
International collaborations: Y. Li (Liaocheng Univ.), G. Manzini (Los Alamos National Laboratory), S. Pickl (Universität der Bundeswehr München), L. Qiao (Liaocheng Univ.), N. Sorin (Universität der Bundeswehr München)
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Perugia
staff members: Laura Angeloni, Danilo Costarelli, Gianluca Vinti, Luca Zampogni
phd students: Lorenzo Boccali, Eleonora De Angelis, Arianna Travaglini
Topics: approximation by sampling-type operators; neural network operators and their applications; approximation theory in medical imaging; mathematical image processing; signal theory; mathematical methods for civil and energetic engineering; real analysis; functional analysis; operators in Orlicz spaces; self-adjoint operators; direct and inverse spectral theory; water waves; discrete and integral operator; Voronovskaja formula
International collaborations: T. Acar (Selçuk Univ., Selcuklu), J. Appel (Wuerzburg Univ.), P.L. Butzer and R.L. Stens (Aachen), L. Coroianu (Oradea Univ.), U. Kadak (Gazi Univ.), H. Karsli (Abant Izzet Baysal Universitesi), E. Lyflyand (Bar-llan Univ.), N. Merentes (Universidad Central de Venezuela), J. Musielak (Poznan), S. Reinwand (University of Wurzburg, Germany), G. Schmeisser (Friedrich-Alexander-University of Erlangen-Nürnberg), M. Skopina (S. Petersburg State Univ.), S. Tikhonov (Barcellona), M. A. Valera-Lòpez (Universidad Central de Venezuela)
Visiting 2018: M. Skopina (S. Petersburg State Univ.) 14-21/1 2018
Visiting 2017: S. Tikhonov (Barcellona), E. Lyflyand (Bar-llan Univ.) 14-20/2 2017
Department of Basic and Applied Sciences for Engineering, University of Roma "La Sapienza"
staff members: Vittoria Bruni, Laura Pezza, Francesca Pitolli, Domenico Vitulano
Topics: subdivision schemes; wavelets; mathematical signal processing; fractional differential problems; undetermined inverse problems; multiscale analysis; time-frequency transforms; image processing; information theory; numerical solution of inverse problems; randomized methods; numerical methods for fractional differential problems
International collaborations: D. Calvetti and F. Somersalo (Case Western Reserve Univ., Cleveland), A. Kokaram (Trinity College, Dublin), B. Piccoli (Rutgers Univ., USA), I. Selesnick (New York Univ.)
Visiting 2019: D. Calvetti and F. Somersalo (Case Western Reserve Univ., Cleveland) 14/1-14/2 2019
Section of Mathematics, Uninettuno University, Roma
staff members: Clemente Cesarano, Paolo Emilio Ricci, Renato Spigler [section-link]
external collaborators: William Ramirez, Adnan Shannon
Topics: special functions in approximation theory; non-trigonometric Fourier analysis; polynomial and trigonometric approximation; quadrature and cubature formulas; eigenvalues approximation; geometrical models; fractional differential problems; numerical methods for integral equations; approximation algorithms for biological models
International collaborations: P. Agarwal (ANAND, Jaipur, India), N. Cakic (Univ. of Beograd, Serbia), D. Caratelli (Tomsk Polytechnic Univ., Tomsk, Russia), R. Dmytryshynr (Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University), J. Gielis (Univ. of Antwerp, Belgium), M.X. He (Nova Southeastern Univ., Ft. Lauderdale, FL, U.S.A.), S. Jimenez (UPM), S. Khan (Aligarh Muslim Univ., India), O. Moaaz (Mansoura University, Egypt), S. Pinelas (Academia Militar, Amadora, Purtugal), H.M. Srivastava (Univ. of Victoria, Canada), I. Tavkhelidze (Tbilisi State Univ., Georgia), L. Vazquez Martinez (Univ. Complutense), Yamilet Quintana (Univ. Carlos III, Madrid, Spain)
Visiting 2022: P. Agarwal
Departments of Mathematics and Physics, University of Campania "L. Vanvitelli", Caserta
staff members: Rosanna Campagna
phd students: Paola Erminia Calabrese
Topics: Numerical resolution of inverse problems; splines functions; numerical stability of rational barycentric operators.
International collaboration: K. Hormann (Univ. of Lugano)
Visiting 2020: K. Hormann (Univ. of Lugano) 07/01 2020
Departments of Mathematics and Applications "R. Caccioppoli" and Agricultural Sciences, University of Naples Federico II
staff member: Salvatore Cuomo
Topics: kernel methods; meshless approximation and applications; mathematical signal processing; high performance computing; mutlivariate data analysis; mathematics for AI
International collaborations: G. Mei (University of Geoscience, Beijing), P. Assari (Bu-Ali Sina University)
Visiting 2019: D. Calvetti and E. Somersalo (Case Western Reserve Univ., Cleveland) 18/05-20/06 2019 [Data-Mining-course]
Visiting 2018: D. Calvetti and E. Somersalo (Case Western Reserve Univ., Cleveland) 02-21/05 2018
CNR National Research Council of Italy - IAC Institute, Naples
staff members: Maria Rosaria Capobianco, Woula Themistoclakis
Topics: meshless approximation and applications; numerical methods for integral equations; polynomial interpolation and approximation; quadrature and cubature formulas; singular problems; wavelets
International collaborations: F. Filbir (Helmholtz Munich), P. Junghanns (TU Chemitz), M. Van Barel (KU Leuven)
Visiting 2019: F. Filbir (Helmholtz & Technische Universität München) 28/2-9/3 2019 [seminar-abstract-1], [seminar-abstract-2]
Department of Mathematics, University of Salerno
staff member: Dajana Conte
Topics: collocation/Runge-Kutta methods for ODEs, FDEs and VIEs; parallel numerical methods; model reduction methods; exponentially fitted methods for oscillatory problems; numerical methods for stochastic VIEs
International collaborations: Z. Jackiewicz (Arizona State Univ.), L.Gr. Ixaru (Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering, Bucharest), Ch. Lubich (Univ. of Tuebingen), F. Mohammadi and L. Moradi (Univ. of Hormozgan, Iran), S. Shahmorad and Y. Talaei (Univ. of Tabriz, Iran)
Visiting 2019: L. Moradi (Univ. of Hormozgan, Iran) 9/7/2018-5/8/2019 and 27/9-24/10 2019, J. Butcher (Univ. of Auckland, New Zealand) 31/7-4/08 2019, H. Podhaisky (Univ. of Halle, Germany) 22/9-30/9 2019, L. Ixaru (Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering, Bucharest, Romania) 17/11-26/11 2019
Visiting 2018: D. Cohen (Umea Univ.) 2-7/2/2018, Z. Jackiewicz (Arizona State Univ.) 8-13/7 2018
Visiting 2017: L.Gr. Ixaru (Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering, Bucharest), 14-18/12 2017
Department of Mathematics, University of Bari "A. Moro"
staff member: Mirella Cappelletti Montano
Topics: approximation theory, semigroups theory, functional analysis
International collaborators: T. Acar (Selçuk Univ., Selcuklu), P. Garrancho (Univ. of Jaen), I. Rasa (Technical Univ. of Cluj-Napoca)
Department of Mathematics and Physics "E. De Giorgi", University of Salento
staff member: Michele Campiti
Topics: Korovkin approximation theory, evolution problems, semigroup theory
International collaborations: T. Acar (Selçuk Univ., Selcuklu), I. Rasa (Technical Univ. of Cluj-Napoca)
Department of Mathematics, Computer Science and Economy, University of Basilicata, Potenza
staff members: Maria Carmela De Bonis, Concetta Laurita, Vita Leonessa, Donatella Occorsio, Maria Grazia Russo
professor emeritus: Giuseppe Mastroianni
post-doc: Valeria Sagaria
phd students: Anna Lucia Laguardia
external collaborators: Giada Serafini
Topics: numerical methods for integral equations; polynomial interpolation and approximation; quadrature rules; approximation of integral transforms; operator theory; singular problems; positive approximation processes; approximation problems for semigroups of operators and evolution equations; numerical treatment of BIE; potential theory applied to several BVPs
International collaborations: T. Acar (Selcuk Univ., Selcuklu), T. Diogo and P. Lima (Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon), P. Garrancho (University of Jaén), P. Junghanns (TU Chemnitz), G.V. Milovanovic (Serbian Academy of Sciences, Beograd), I. Rasa (Technical Univ. of Cluj-Napoca), J. Szabados (Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest), M. Stanic and T. Tomovic (University of Kagrujevac)
Department of Chemical, Physical, Mathematical and Natural Sciences, University of Sassari
staff member: Iulia Martina Bulai
Topics: Eco-epidemiological mathematical models, Wastewater bioremediation modelling, Electrical activity and Ca+ dynamics in endocrine cells modelling, Slow/fast bifurcation analysis, Mathematical models applied to cancer, Graph signal processing
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Cagliari
staff member: Luisa Fermo
Topics: Integral equations, quadrature and cubature formulae, inverse problems
International collaborations: D. Djukic (University of Belgrade, Serbia), T. Diogo and P. Lima (Instituto Superior Tecnico, Lisbon), R. Mutavdzic (University of Belgrade, Serbia), L. Reichel (Kent State University, Ohio, US), M. Spalevic (University of Belgrade, Serbia)
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Calabria, Cosenza
staff members: Francesco Dell'Accio, Filomena Di Tommaso, Anna Napoli
phd students: Federico Nudo
Topics: meshless approximation and applications; scattered data approximation; polynomial interpolation; quadrature and cubature formulas; mixed interpolation and regression; bisection-exclusion algorithms; initial and boundary value problems; collocation methods; polynomials and their applications in approximation theory
International collaborations: W.M. Abd-Elhameed (Cairo University), A. Guessab (Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour), K. Hormann (Univ. of Lugano), O. Nouisser (Univ. Ibn Tofail, Kenitra, Marocco)
Visiting 2022: A. Guessab (Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour)
Visiting 2018: T. Sauer (Univ. of Passau) 11/1 2018 [seminar-abstract], B. Zerroudi (Ibn Tofail Univ., Kenitra) 8-20/4 2018
Department of Information Engineering, Infrastructure and Sustainable Energy, Mediterranean University of Reggio Calabria
staff member: Mariantonia Cotronei
phd students: Domenico Fazzino
Topics: subdivision schemes; wavelets; frames; mathematical signal processing
International collaborations: M. Charina (Univ. of Wien), M. Holschneider (Univ. of Potsdam), T. Sauer (Univ. of Passau)
Visiting 2019: M. Charina (Univ. of Vienna) and T. Sauer (Univ. of Passau) 9-17/1 2019
Visiting 2018: T. Sauer (Univ. of Passau) 7-13/1 2018
University of Palermo
staff member: Elisa Francomano (Department of Engineering), Rosario Corso (Department of Mathematics and Computer Science)
external collaborator: Marta Paliaga
Topics: kernel methods; meshless approximation and applications; wavelet and multiresolution analysis; high performance computing; BVPs; approximation algorithms for biological models; approximation theory; sampling-type operators; frames; image analysis and processing; medical imaging; machine learning
International collaborations: G.E. Fasshauer (Colorado School of Mines, Golden), F.M. Hilker (Osnabrueck Univ.), M.J. McCourt (SigOpt, Inc., San Francisco), A. Yezzi (Georgia Tech, Atlanta), J.-P. Antoine (UCLouvain, Louvain-la-Neuve), P. Balazs (ÖAW, Vienna), D. Stoeva (University of Vienna, Vienna)
Visiting 2019: G.E. Fasshauer (Colorado School of Mines, Golden) 12-18/6 2019
Department MIFT, University of Messina
staff member: Luigia Puccio
Topics: wavelets; mathematical signal processing; image restoration
International collaborations: M. Holschneider (Potsdam Univ.)
RITA abroad
Emiliano Cirillo (Lausanne), Gaspare Da Fies (Aberystwyth)