A Multi-Point View of the Sun: Advances in Solar Observations and in Space Weather Understanding

August 6-8, CTICC, Cape Town, South Africa

Program outline

Session 1 - Synergetic science from space- and ground-based assets

The session will be focussed on science and will contain four invited talks reporting the results obtained by the space and ground observatories, with particular stress on coordinated science. The talks should include data contributions for all the assets, not only those mentioned, covering the full range of wavelengths from X-ray to radio and types of instruments.

Session 2 - Magnetic and wind connectivity science from the photosphere to the heliosphere

The session will focus specifically on the Sun-heliosphere connectivity from magnetic field measurements and modeling to the solar wind science.

Session 3 - The dynamic Sun: activity and eruptions

The session will be focussed on the active and dynamic Sun, eruptive events and energetic particles acceleration. The session should be introductory to the Sun-space weather session.

Session 4 - The Sun-space weather connection

This session should focus on how the Sun and heliosphere contribute to determine space weather. Awareness, science of forecasting, and data access. The active Sun: global collaboration in space weather forecasting.

Session 5 - Novel techniques for data analysis: machine learning and deep learning

The session will focus on the strategy to archive and handle a large amount of datasets produced by very different instrumentation, and to the development of novel techniques for data analysis, based on machine learning, data mining and modeling.

Session 6 - Lessons learned and future developments: toward a 4π view of the Sun

The session will focus on the future of the solar and space weather investigation, lessons learned and what’s next.

Poster sessions, plenary lecture, and outreach and education activity are planned.