A Multi-Point View of the Sun: Advances in Solar Observations and in Space Weather Understanding

August 6-8, CTICC, Cape Town, South Africa


The IAU Symposium 390 ProceedingsĀ  will be published in the IAU Proceedings Series by the IAU Publisher, Cambridge University Press (CUP). It is of paramount importance that the proceedings will be published timely as a valuable record for future reference, so contributors should plan to provide a manuscript within about 3 months after the Meeting.

Combined Instructions for Authors and Editors for the publication of the proceedings of IAU Symposia are given on-line. The instructions contain the links to the relevant LaTeX templates files.

The editors must submit the complete manuscript of their symposium before the end of the year of the GA, at the latest.
The online IAU Proceedings are available at http://journals.cambridge.org/IAU and are made freely available 18 months after publication. All volumes are also indexed by the Press in the NASA ADS abstracting service.