Tra attesa e attenzione


International Doctoral Conference

FLUI2024 - Filologia, Linguistica, Umanistica Digitale e Italianistica

Ph.D. course in Philology, Italian Literature and Linguistics


University of Florence

Florence, 19-21 June 2024

Ph.D. candidates of the XXXVII and XXXVIII cycles of the Ph.D. program in Philology, Italian Literature, and Linguistics at the University of Florence announce the opening of the Call for Papers for the FLUI Doctoral Conference, addressed to doctoral students, young researchers and scholars.

 The main topic of the conference focuses on two terms, "waiting" and "attention", that are derived, both semantically and etymologically, from the Latin verb attendĕre, which indicates the action of directing mind, thoughts, and hopes towards a specific object, encompassing both the meanings of 'to apply' and 'to wait'. According to the Tesoro della Lingua Italiana delle Origini (TLIO), attendĕre is used by Dante in the Commedia  with the meaning of 'being focused on something' (not only mentally, but also aurally), and 'waiting'. This topic can be analyzed from the point of view of philology,literature and linguistics, even  through the innovative tools of the so-called digital humanities. Some possible submission topics are listed below.

In Philology and, more broadly, about the textual tradition, these research themes could concern the following aspects, inviting the development of ideas in a comparative perspective and/or based on specific cases:

In Linguistics, the topics listed above could be analyzed from two perspectives: on one hand, the mechanisms used by speakers to emphasize or pay attention on the most interesting element in the communication; on the other hand, the selection and control processes made on language in the act of communication, focusing on the connection between reality and the speaker.

In the field of Digital Humanities, the theme of attention inevitably intersects with the possibility, given by automation processes, to handle and analyze large amounts of data in a short amount of time. Depending on the research focus, digitization allows for the easy identification and quantification of elements,  their occurrences and their mutual relationships,  possibly highlighting relevant features for the task:

In the field of Italian Literature, the dual semantic valence of attendere can be understood both stylistically and thematically:

Based on the suggestions provided so far, we encourage proposals that consider the topic of waiting and attention from an interdisciplinary perspective. Proposals (in Italian or English) on all aspects of these topics will be considered.

Guidelines for Participation

The application is open to PhD students, post-docs, and young researchers. Interested parties may submit a maximum of two intervention proposals: one as a single author and the other as a co-author, or two as co-authors. Talks of max. 20 minutes are expected, and proposals in Italian and English will be accepted. Please submit your anonymous proposal paper (300 words max., excluding title, tables, graphs, and bibliography) as one PDF file via the Google form (

The deadline for submitting proposals is set for April 5, 2024. Notification of proposal acceptance will be sent by April 29, 2024. The conference will be held in person. Information regarding registration will be communicated later and will be published on this site.


For further information, please write to the Organizing Committee at

Organizing Committee:

Lorenzo Cambi

Francesco D’Agostino

Gloria Fiorentini 

Gianluca Furnari                                         

Shuai Luo                                                  

Francesca Maltagliati

Maria Naccarato

Walter Paci

Alessandro Privitera

Carlo Scalia

Simona Trillocco

Scientific Committee:

Monica Ballerini

Francesco Bausi

Marco Biffi

Irene Gambacorti

Maria Sofia Lannutti