Calabi-Yau varieties

Cetraro (CS) - July 29-August 02, 2024

Practical information - Poster - Schedule (TBA)

Scientific Directors:

Simone Diverio, Sapienza Univ. Roma, Italy

Vincent Guedj, Univ. Paul Sabatier Toulouse, France

Hoang Chinh Lu, Univ. Angers, France


Eleonora Di Nezza, Sorbonne Univ. Paris, France - Singular Calabi–Yau metrics

Henri Guenancia, CNRS and IMT Toulouse, France - Beauville–Bogomolov decomposition

Roberto Svaldi, Univ. Milano, Italy - Boundedness questions for Calabi–Yau varieties

Sébastien Boucksom, CNRS and IMJ Paris, France - Metric SYZ conjecture

Tristan Collins, MIT, US - Conifold transitions

You can apply from November 13, 2023 to April 15, 2024: Apply NOW

Young participants (PhD Students and PostDoc Researchers) can apply for grants covering local expenses. The attribution of grants will be decided by the Scientific Directors of the School, based on the analysis of CVs and motivations (with a focus on gender balance and support for underrepresented groups).
Any communication regarding the admission to the School and the allocation of scholarships will be sent after the application deadline from the email address
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CIME activity is supported by INdAM, EMS and Springer.

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