Paper Submission

All participants are invited to submit their abstracts online with indication of the preference of either oral or poster presentation. We invite you to check the ISHS membership advantages prior to registration and abstract submission.

We invite you to check the ISHS membership advantages prior to registration and abstract submission. 

Abstracts will be reviewed by the Conference Scientific Committee. The corresponding author will be informed on acceptance of their contribution as Oral or Poster presentations through e-mail before 1st March 2024.

All accepted abstracts will be included in the Conference program and distributed to all attendees.

A maximum of 2 abstracts per participant/registration is allowed.

Authors must submit full papers by 24 June 2024 and after the review process by the Scientific Committee, the selected papers will be published in Acta Horticulturae.

Young scientists may participate in the ISHS Young Minds Award competition. Two awards will be given to junior scientists for the best oral and the best poster presentation. Junior scientists to be eligible for this award must be the lead and presenting author of the submission and should be enrolled in a university or college. They can be undergraduate, graduate or postgraduate (limited to 6 months after finishing the program of study), and with an age limit of 35.

Please indicate your willingness to participate by ticking the appropriate box when submitting your abstract in ROSA.
