I convegni

Le conferenze e i convegni legati al FCTLab.

10th Multilateral Kant Colloquium, Parma & Ferrara 2023

The Space of Feelings: Kant and His Legacy

The "Multilateral Kant Colloquia" are international, multilingual scientific events dedicated to the study of Kant's and Kantian philosophy.

So far, nine Colloquia have taken place since 2008 in six different countries:

1. “Kant Today”, Verona and Padua, Italy, 2008;

2. “What is Man?/Was ist der Mensch?”, Lisbon, Portugal, 2009;

3. “Kant and Antinomical Thinking”, Mainz, Germany, 2011;

4. “Kant and the Metaphors of Reason”, Tiradentes, Brazil, 2013;

5. “Kant’s Short Writings – Kleine Schriften”, Madrid, Spain, 2014;

6. “Kant on Violence, Revolution, and Progress”, Hempstead/NY, USA, 2016;

7. “Kant and His Critics”, Halle, Germany, 2017;

8. “Kant and the Contemporary World: Philosophy, Science, Politics”, Catania, Italy, 2018;

9. "Justice, Peace and Cosmopolitan Values", Lisbon, 2021;

The 10th edition of the Multilateral Kant Colloquium "The Space of Feelings: Kant and His Legacy" will take place in Parma and Ferrara (Italy) at the end of August 2023 - see Call for papers & Provisional Programme below.


The 10th Multilateral Kant Colloquium: "The Space of Feelings: Kant and His Legacy"

CALL FOR PAPERS - deadline: 30.12.2022.

Reinhold-Tagung, Parma 2022

Gewissheit und Wahrheit bei Karl Leonhard Reinhold

Humboldt-Kolleg, Ferrara 2022

Probleme der Vernunft. Kant im Kontext - Problems of Reason. Kant in Context