Organising a Conference

CAAD Futures Conference Guidelines

Conferences will be held every two years and, if possible, alternate between Europe, America and Asia.

The next conference venue and chairperson will be decided by the Foundation members in consultation with the conference chairperson, representatives of the CAAD sister organizations and any other interested individuals and agencies. Proposals for organising a conference should be sent to one of the Foundation members, ultimately 6 months before the forthcoming conference where the decision is made who will host the next CAADFutures conference. This decision, where practical, will be taken at a meeting called during the current conference.

The planning committee for the forthcoming conference will comprise the conference chairperson, the members of the Foundation, the chairperson of the previous conference and any other individuals selected by the conference chairperson.

The conference chairperson will be solely responsible for presenting to the Foundation, no later than six months after the conference, a full set of accounts covering all items relating to conference administration and publication. The expenses associated with attendance at the conference by at least one member of the Foundation should be written into the budget.

The conference theme will be decided by the conference planning committee, taking full account of the complementary aspirations of CAAD sister organizations and any other relevant agencies.

Host and site host organisation

The CAADFutures Foundation is the official sponsor of all conferences and is responsible for:

The Conference Host Organisation is responsible, in accordance with the Conference Guidelines, for:

Conference publications

To maintain the high standard of conference proceedings they are printed by a well-known scientific publisher. It is the responsibility of the CAADFutures foundation to confirm the appropriateness of the publisher.

Young researchers can submit a short paper (max 12 pages). The review process consists of two steps (1) accept/reject/accept with changes by a review committee of 3 experts (2) accept/reject of changed paper by the conference organiser. The accepted papers (approx. 50) will be printed at low cost and distributed as part of the pre-proceedings the conference.

Experienced researchers can submit a full paper of 15-20 pages. The review process consists of two steps (1) accept/reject/accept with changes by a review committee of 3 experts (2) accept/reject of changed paper by the conference organiser. After the conference, authors have a chance to further improve their papers before publication. The accepted papers (approx. 30) will be printed at low cost and distributed as part of the pre-proceedings the conference. After the conference they will be printed by the contracted scientific publisher and distributed by mail by the conference site host.

The conference publications (Low cost - Pre-proceedings, Official publisher - Proceedings) must be ordered before or at the conference, at which period a substantial discount is applicable. The pre-proceedings will be issued at the conference; the official proceedings, issued after the conference will include only the best papers of authors who attended and presented. After the conference extra copies of the proceedings can only be obtained via the publisher.


The below outline gives a comprehensive overview of all the aspects that need to be taken into account when organising a conference. Please be advised that this checklist is a guideline and that local circumstances may differ.

1. Scientific program

2. Social program

3. Conference venue

4. Conference staff

5. Technical supplies

6. Time-management

7. Financial

8. Promotion

9. Proceedings

10. Registration/information desk

11. Lunch/refreshments

12. Hotels

13. Transportation