

30 August 2021

The Tracer Study activity involves alumni as the subject of the activity so that the synergy between the Jember University Alumni Association and the Career Development Center is needed. In addition to the success of the Tracer Study activities, several Career Development Center activities also involve alumni. The Jember University Alumni Association is an alumni organization of the University of Jember which has a very strong network and communication between alumni. The existence of the strength of the alumni information network is expected to synergize with the success of the Career Development Center activities, especially Tracer Study. The success of tracking alumni will also help the University in achieving the Main Performance Indicator (IKU) 1 State Universities, namely Graduates getting decent jobs. Therefore, it is important to hold the "Workshop on the Strength of Alumni in Tracer Study Success and Career Building".

In this activity, two speakers are very experts in their fields, the first is Ir. Petiana Indriati, she is the Head of the Center for Career Development and Entrepreneurship at Pancasila University. the second speaker is Prof. Dr. Ir. R. Siti Zuhro, MA, Principal Researcher of the Center for Political Research – LIPI (Indonesian Institute of Sciences).

Ir. Petiana Indriati conveyed about the Strength of Alumni in Tracer Study Success. The role of alumni is indispensable for the success of the Tracer Study. The responsibility of higher education towards students does not end at the time of graduation but also the career continuity of alumni so that they are better prepared to work in the community.

Prof. Dr. Ir. R. Siti Zuhro, MA, as an alumni of the University of Jember who has had a successful career as a researcher at the Principal Researcher of the Political Research Center – LIPI (Indonesian Institute of Sciences). he shared experiences and stories of his career journey after graduation until he was able to reach his current career. This of course can add insight and motivation for students and alumni of the University of Jember to work and pursue their careers. (IKS)

Workshop on the Importance of the Synergy of Career Development Centers and KAUJE to Increase Graduate Capacity

Wednesday, 11 August 2021, 7 pm

Career training activities related to students and graduates. Especially how to print graduates with qualified capacities so that they can be absorbed in the world of work. Graduates of the University of Jember, of course, cannot be separated from the role of the alumni association found at the University of Jember. The name for the alumni association of the University of Jember is the Jember University Alumni Family (KAUJE). KAUJE is an alumni organization that was established to establish friendship with all alumni of the University of Jember in various faculties.

The role of KAUJE is very important in organizing alumni, this is in line with activities at the Career Development Center where students and alumni are the target. Career Development Center activities in increasing the capacity of graduates intersect with alumni such as several career training activities making alumni one of the resource persons to provide knowledge and knowledge for students and graduates in preparing themselves for the world of work. And several alumni have collaborated with the Career Development Center in conducting Campuss Recruitment. Information on job vacancies is also informed by alumni to the Career Development Center so that it can be shared with graduates of the University of Jember.

The collaboration between the Career Development Center and KAUJE has actually been indirectly established in order to increase the capacity of Jember University graduates to be accepted by stakeholders. The synergy of the two will have a very good impact on students and graduates of the University of Jember in the future.

Workshop activities start according to a predetermined schedule. Present at the event were the Vice-Chancellor I of the University of Jember, the Chair of the University of Jember LP3M, the General Chair of KAUJE, the Coordinator of the Career Development Center of the University of Jember's LP3M, alumni of the University of Jember and members of the Career Development Center and LP3M staff. The event began with remarks by the Vice-Chancellor I of the University of Jember, the Chair of the Jember University LP3M, and the General Chair of KAUJE. As a trigger for discussion, the Coordinator of the Career Development Center has conveyed the activities of the Career Development Center and the link between these activities and alumni and the achievement of the Main Performance Index (KPI) 1. (IKS)

Workshop on Building a Millennial Generation Digital Start-up Business

29 July 2021. 8.30 am

The choice of the theme “Building a Millennial Generation Digital Start-Up Business” is based on the current conditions that are entering a disruptive era. The existence of the disruptive era creates a different condition where currently everything is done digitally or online. This affects the types of businesses that students can engage in. In the past, all types of businesses were still carried out conservatively and types of businesses still had to be seen with the naked eye. However, with the advancement of technology and the human desire to be served quickly and easily, various digital businesses have emerged with the aim of meeting human needs.

This workshop presented entrepreneurs in the digital field, namely Irsan Rajamin, S.IKom. (founder of Habibi, Bandung). He shared his experience as an entrepreneur in the field of technology, especially the implementation of the internet of things in agriculture. Participants were very enthusiastic about participating in this workshop because most were interested in doing business in the digital field. The interactive method of delivering material makes participants interested and not bored. In the middle of the event, Mr. Irsan gave a case study about the problems faced during the pandemic and how to solve these problems. Participants are asked to give their opinion and choose the one with the best opinion to get a prize.

The second speaker is a member of the Career Development Center, Dr. Novi Puspitasari, SE., MM. He explained the role of the Career Development Center for students and alumni. Activities carried out by the Career Development Center such as Career Training, Entrepreneurship Workshop, Job Expo, Tracer Study and others. This activity aims to develop students' abilities and prepare students for careers in the world of work, both as workers and entrepreneurs. (IKS)

Preparing Graduates for Work in the Midst of a Pandemic

8 July 2021

In order to improve the quality and competence of graduates from the University of Jember, they strive to carry out various kinds of training, especially those related to the readiness of graduates to wear clothes in the world of work. This training is considered very effective in preparing the provisions of the best graduates of the University of Jember, both in terms of competence and in terms of soft skills that must be possessed in order to compete with the best graduates from other universities.

Activities are carried out in a blend (hybrid) both offline and online. Followed by 50 participants who are final semester students from various faculties, but most of them are from the agriculture faculty, law faculty and economics and business faculty at the University of Jember. This activity was opened by the Secretary I of LP3M University of Jember, Mr. Ns. Tantut Susanto, M.Kep, Sp.Kep.Kom, Ph.D. This activity was guided by the MC, namely Silvi Rahmawati, S.Sos. and moderated by Intan Kartika S,S.P.,M.P. with 2 resource persons, namely Nurul Laili Fadhilah, S.H., M.H., as a member of the career development center and Agus Hadi Prayitno, S.Pt., M.Sc. who is the founder of Preneur Academy.

In this activity, there are many questions that are more directed towards tips on getting through the world of work, where many things lead to uncertainty, especially during a pandemic like this, so students are very much needed as prospective job seekers. The resource persons are also in accordance with the theme raised by the committee, so the enthusiasm of the students is quite good. (IKS)

Workshop Jurus Sukses Membangun Bisnis Start up Digital

23 June 2021

The choice of the theme of Success Kick to Build a Digital Start Up Business is based on the current conditions that are entering the disruptive era. The existence of the disruptive era creates a different condition where currently everything is done digitally or online. This affects the types of businesses that students can engage in. In the past, all types of businesses were still carried out conservatively and types of businesses still had to be seen with the naked eye. However, with the advancement of technology and the human desire to be served quickly and easily, various online or digital businesses have emerged with the aim of meeting human needs.

Activities are carried out in a blend (hybrid) both offline and online. It was followed by 50 participants who were final semester students from various faculties but most of them were from the agriculture faculty, law faculty and economics and business faculty at the University of Jember. This activity was opened by the Secretary I of LP3M University of Jember, Mr. Ns. Tantut Susanto, M.Kep, Sp.Kep.Kom, Ph.D. This activity was guided by the MC, namely Silvi Rahmawati, S.Sos. and moderated by Intan Kartika S,S.P.,M.P. with 2 resource persons namely Dr. Novi Puspitasari, SE., MM., as a member of the career development center and Muhammad Ali Irsyad, S.Ikom, Ch, Cht who is the President Board of Directors of RUMAHKAPAS.COM.

In this activity, there are many questions that are more directed to how to develop a digital start-up business, especially from the planning side to even finance. Because the digital start-up business requires a large enough capital and of course requires investors. And how to get investors for novice entrepreneurs in the field of digital start-ups. participants were very enthusiastic and wanted this kind of activity again and participants wanted more information about entrepreneurial activities, especially business innovation grants at the University of Jember. This illustrates that the mindset to become entrepreneurs has been embedded in students and this is in accordance with the purpose of holding this activity. (IKS)

Cooperation of the University of Jember with Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI) and Regional Drinking Water Company (PERUMDAM)

23 March 2021

Student's Business Goes Digital Softskill Improvement Workshop

26 November 2020

The current disruptive era makes people always in contact with technology or commonly called digitalization. Digital technology changes people's lives and its main goal is to facilitate performance. At this entrepreneurship workshop, the theme of Student's Business Goes Digital Softskill Improvement is hoped that Jember University students can have insight into successful entrepreneurs in the digital field and of course can provide motivation to become an entrepreneur.

The activity was carried out online due to the COVID-19 pandemic. It was attended by 70 participants who were students from various faculties but most of them were from the agriculture faculty, law faculty and economics and business faculty at the University of Jember. This activity was opened by the Head of LP3M University of Jember, Prof. Dr. Ir. Bambang Sujanarko, MM. This activity was guided by the MC, namely Silvi Rahmawati, S.Sos. and moderated by Intan Kartika S,S.P.,M.P. with 2 resource persons namely Dr. Novi Puspitasari, SE., MM., as a member of the career development center and Fafi Fathur Rohman, S. Kom who is the owner of Awesam Malang. (IKS).

Personal Branding Development Training as Preparation for Entering the World of Work

15 October 2020

The University of Jember strives to carry out various kinds of training, especially those related to the readiness of graduates to wear clothes in the world of work. This training is considered very effective in preparing the provisions of the best graduates of the University of Jember, both in terms of competence and in terms of soft skills that must be possessed in order to compete with the best graduates from other universities. So this training takes the theme "Develop Personal Branding as Preparation for Entering the World of Work"

The activity is carried out online because it is currently still in a state of the COVID-19 pandemic. The activity was attended by 60 participants who were final semester students from various faculties, but most of them were from the agriculture faculty, law faculty and economics and business faculty at the University of Jember. This activity was opened by the Head of LP3M University of Jember, Prof. Dr. Ir. Bambang Sujanarko, MM. This activity was guided by the MC, namely Silvi Rahmawati, S.Sos. and moderated by Nurul Laili Fadhilah, S.H., M.H. with 2 resource persons namely Laksana Anugrah Putra, Talent Growth Senior Manager at Kalibrr and Intan Kartika Setyawati, SP., M.P., as members of the career development center.

The speaker explained the importance of self-preparation in entering work, especially in comparing themselves. Students are expected during college to use their time for positive and achievement activities so that they can create self-branding and make themselves a differentiating factor with other graduates. This opportunity can be done through various activities such as joining organizations, participating in UKM, participating in writing competitions as well as sports and arts. (IKS)

Webinar to Print Entrepreneurs in the Time of COVID-19

19 May 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced people to adapt to a new normal life. All aspects of people's lives have changed, including the business sector. Some businesses must adapt to these conditions if they are to survive. In this webinar, the theme is Printing Entrepreneurs in the Time of COVID-19.

This webinar presents two young entrepreneurs who have started their business for a long time until now. The first speakers were Rizky Gusti S. Owner Swiwings Jember and Julianto Ari, S. Sos, Owner Sby 45 Jember. The two resource persons conveyed tips on how to succeed in their business, including in dealing with pandemic conditions. As well as some possible businesses that can be run during a pandemic. Participants were very enthusiastic, as evidenced by the many questions about successful tips for starting a new business, especially in the field of food and digital printing. During a pandemic like now, the most popular food business is frozen food and food that can serve purchases online. This is adjusted to the pandemic conditions that avoid crowds of people. As well as digital printing businesses that must be able to develop their business by looking at the current era.

Online Career Training Graduates Readiness to Work Amid the Covid-19 Pandemic

6 May 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed all aspects of people's lives. Both in the business world and people who want a career in companies or agencies. Conditions that limit people's activities as of now make all activities turn online. Teka is an exception in labor recruitment. The current career training takes the theme of Online Career Training Graduates Readiness to Work in the Midst of the Covid-19 Pandemic.

This training presented 3 resource persons, namely Dr. Ida Bagus Suryaningrat, S.TP., M.M. (Coordinator of Career Development Center), Yohanes Trisulo Harjati (Regional Sales Manager of PT Kino Indonesia, Tbk.), and Nurul Laili Fadhilah, S.H., M.H. (Member of Career Development Center). The first speaker, Mr. Dr. Ida Bagus Suryaningrat, S.TP., M.M. convey about the career center and tracer study. This is important for students and graduates in knowing the role of the career development center because it is a bridge between students or graduates with the world of work. The second speaker, Mr. Yohanes Trisulo Harjati, conveyed the importance of a CV and Online Interview. In the current pandemic conditions, employee recruitment activities are carried out online, so it is necessary to write a representative and interesting CV and also convey online interview tips. The third speaker is Mrs. Nurul Laili Fadhilah, S.H., M.H. convey tips in compiling an online application letter.

The activity went smoothly as evidenced by the enthusiasm of the 70 participants who joined online. Although this activity was carried out virtually, the participants were still enthusiastic about participating in the activity from beginning to end. Participants' questions about how to choose a company strategy and tips for success in preparing for online interviews with limited media and reducing self-confidence. The speakers provided very practical and strategic solutions to all the questions asked by the participants. (IKS)

Workshop and Career Training for Graduates

8 October 2019

The theme of the activity: "Preparing the competence of alumni to enter the world of industrial work 4.0"

Workshops and career training activities for graduates are routinely carried out every year. The purpose of this activity is to prepare graduates' careers in entering the world of work. This workshop and training presented two resource persons, the first being the Human Resource Development Manager from PT Mega Central Finance. This resource person teaches students good and correct job applications and Curriculum Vitae. While the second resource person, Mrs. Dr. Selfi Budi Helpiastuti, S.Sos., M.Sc. lecturer in the social sciences and political science faculty and also a trainee from Prashanti Training & Consulting. In this session, students are trained to be able to have a good attitude in front of the interviewer as well as how to act and how to answer during an interview. Participants were very enthusiastic in participating in the workshop and training. (IKS)

Workshop Digital Entrepreneur

25 April 2019

Entrepreneurship workshop is one of the routine activities organized by the LP3M Career Development Center. This activity aims to provide motivation, knowledge and knowledge, views, and successful experiences from entrepreneurs so that students can have insight and a strong desire to become entrepreneurs. The era of disruption makes humans have to adapt to technology, therefore this workshop has the theme Digital Entrepreneur: "Preparing Millennial Young Entrepreneurs in the Industrial Era 4.0".

The speakers of this workshop are entrepreneurs in the digital field and implementing digital marketing. He gives strategies and tricks on how to market products using digital media. the presenters provide guidance and participants directly practice what is conveyed by the presenters. Participants were very enthusiastic about participating in this activity, this was seen when the presenters practiced digital marketing tricks, a lot of participants asked questions. So both of them were very interactive. (IKS)