In Their Own Words

Letting transgender individuals speak for themselves

"We are all assigned a gender at birth. Sometimes that assignment doesn't match our inner truth, and there needs to be a new place -- a place for self-identification. I was not born a boy, I was assigned boy at birth. Understanding the difference between the two is crucial to our culture and society moving forward in the way we treat -- and talk about -- transgender individuals."

~ Geena Rocero

"It isn't about 'becoming' another person -- I already am who I am -- I just want my body to reflect that. It's not like I'm suddenly changing from the person you've always known -- this is more about your willingness to see who I've always been."

~ Cooper Lee Bombardier

"I would like people to understand that we are people. We're human beings, and this is a human life. This is reality for us, and all we ask for is acceptance and validation for what we say we are. It's a basic human right."

~ Andreja Pejic

"I want people to know that we are human just like everyone else. It’s okay to be who you are, and we aren’t scary people as most would think. I’ve always struggled with being accepted for who I really am, always wanted people to like me for me without judgement. I always put my true self on the back burner because I cared what others thought. It killed me until I thought to myself, 'Ya know, I have a lot who are behind me and support me and my choice. I have to do this for me nobody else!' My parents are very supportive, although they are learning as well. With my transition I am realizing the people around me also have to transition to it."

~ Chase Watson

"When we are transitioning, our friends and family are transitioning, too. It's a journey for everyone."

"I wish people weren't so worried about pronouns or misgendering me that they just don't refer to me as anything. Take a chance! If you're wrong, I'll let you know. I understand that it takes time."

~ Sources would rather remain anonymous