Instructional Media

Our media team works with subject-matter experts and instructional designers to deliver quality content that engages students and gives faculty a unique piece to their class. Creating interactive presentations, video and audio work, and developing stories and simulations are just some of the services we provide. Below are some examples of the work we’ve done and the ideation that went into creating them. 

Interactive Lecture - MBAD 6112

Converted from an in person document video where the instructor would write answers to questions with a desk camera to a self-paced reflective piece where information is given and students are encouraged to work through each problem, with the answer being given and explanation of each question by the SME.

Interactive Lecture - MBAD 6152 

PowerPoint and Video lecture converted to e-textbook style pieces for students, personalized to class.

Interactive Lecture - MBAD 6284

PowerPoint, lecture videos, and case studies converted to self-paced student e-textbook and case study examples with solutions.

Interactive Lecture - MBAD 6122

PowerPoint and instructor information on Design Modeling and Analysis converted to self-paced engaging presentation.

The media team worked with Eric Herberlig, in the political science department, to create a series of short, pointed guest lecture videos to discuss big concepts that would be central to the course. In the video below, guest lecturer, Josh Miller, speaks on what liberty is, with the benefits of our high-quality production value. 

The faculty member for this project, Amy Good, teaches social studies education as inquiry. Amy wanted a way to take her physically driving to a far away location to teach students about less-known history of their state, and turn it into an experience of discovering what happened instead. The result was an interactive simulation placing you in a run-down info desk in this place and giving you objects to select that show primary sources to solve the mystery of Soul City. 

The School of Social Work came to our team with a really well-developed, interactive simulation of what it was like walking around and talking to people in New York as a social worker. They wanted a similar look and feel for their students in the program here at Charlotte. Over the period of a year, the media team interviewed and edited on site video to produce a real look into the resident’s of the urban community of Lockwood and the rural community of Mount Pleasant. 

Faculty member Nick Caste had a solid philosophy-based political science class rich with historical figures. He wanted a way to bring their unique writing and views to life for students to really apply the knowledge of each of their philosophical viewpoints. We came up with the idea to take the beginning of a “ a philosopher walks into a bar” and run with it. In this interactive, students choose a philosopher, ask to sit down for a drink, and run into another philosopher. In order to get this round bought for you, the student must match the response the philosopher would most likely give to their query! The activity was also integrated into Canvas for bonus points!