What to Expect: Yard

Yard is the period of time pre- or post-season when each ship receives extensive maintenance in the off-season. During this time the ship is not in a passenger-ready state. Yard can last several weeks or months, depending on the work list. Yard work may take place at an actual shipyard, or at Fishermen’s Terminal (near the UCA main office).


    • Yard is dirty—the shipyard period is full of noise, grease, grime, and lots of work. Many projects happen simultaneously. Dust and debris is everywhere. This is normal.
    • Yard is lots of manual labor—sanding, varnishing, painting, taking things apart, putting them back together, doing fire watch, hauling trash and debris… all are common Yard tasks.
    • Yard can be intense. Depending on your past experience with various types of shipyard projects, you may have a steep learning curve during Yard as you amass the skills necessary to perform the jobs assigned.
    • You work with a limited number of crew during Yard—not all members of each vessel crew will be on-site for Yard—but you’ll meet the rest of your team at Start-Up/In-Season. You may also work on more than one ship during Yard (depending on the work lists and projects required). This is a great opportunity to meet crew members assigned to different vessels during the sailing season.
    • You live on board a vessel during Yard (unless other arrangements have been made).


When you arrive to the vessel, check-in for the following:

    • Hiring requirements that haven't been completed prior to arrival, including completing your I-9 form – be sure you bring appropriate ID as outlined on the Marine Employee homepage (passport is preferred). You will also now have access to set up direct deposit through your Employee Portal, bring your banking information: Account Number and Routing Number.
    • Berthing assignment (where you sleep and store your things)
    • Vessel familiarization with the Safety Officer. Safety is a primary concern, and all crew new to any ship must complete a safety walk-through upon arrival. When you arrive, coordinate this essential item.

Crew Berthing and Provisions

    • Keep in mind that packing light and in collapsible luggage is required, storage space is very limited on board.
    • Personal items must be removed from the vessel when you rotate off.
    • The company provides: blankets, sheets, towels, pillows, first aid kits, soap and laundry detergent, cleaning supplies, tools for repair, work vests, and ear protection.
    • Each vessel has crew laundry facilities available on board or nearby (laundry facilities are available at Fishermen’s Terminal during non-work times when laundry services are not available on board).

Crew Meals

    • Sometimes crew meals are provided on board. Check with your Hotel Manager and Chef for specific meal times, and to verify any special dietary requests, restrictions, or needs. If crew meals are not provided on board, your onboard manager will let you know how this is covered.

Your Rotation Schedule

    • Days may consist of 8-hour, 10-hour, or 12-hour shifts, depending on operational needs. Specific details on your precise work schedule will be provided by your on board Manager.

Be Well-Rested

    • Working on boats is very physically demanding.
    • Arrive as well-rested as possible.

Come Prepared

    • Show up to work with everything you need, however, Ballard neighborhood is walking distance if you need additional items

Be On Time

    • Punctuality is important – arrive on time.
    • All crew members should be ready to work at the appointed time for the entire duration of the assigned shift.


    • Watch your step as you walk around the ship—interior decks, bulkheads and overheads will likely be torn apart to access ships’ systems for repair or renovation. Hatches may be open (and marked) but it is extremely important that you watch your step and maintain awareness of potential tripping hazards that are an inherent part of Yard. Constant vigilance!
    • During Yard, REST IS BEST. You may enjoy socializing with other crew members after the workday, but you need to also be certain to start the season (and each day of Yard) well-rested and on time.
    • Alcohol, drug, and smoking policies are in effect during Yard (along with all other employment policies). More details and specifics are available in the Marine Employee Handbook.

Photo Credit: Jackie Burhans