What to Expect: Start-Up

What does Start-Up mean?

Start-Up is the period of time pre-season, typically at the end of the ship’s Yard period, when the crew reports to the vessel for departmental training and readying the ship for guests. Start-Up can be one to two weeks in length depending on your ship/itinerary.


    • Starting up a vessel is a unique and sometimes challenging experience. The interior guest spaces can be in disarray due to the extensive work done during Yard. This is normal. Part of your job at Start-Up is to get the vessel put together for the upcoming sailing season.

    • Start-Up can feel chaotic; there will be a lot going on. Be ready to get dirty and work long, hard hours.

    • Throughout Start-Up, training schedules, cleaning and work plans, and daily agendas will be adjusted according to operational needs. This is normal. Routines will become reliable once the vessel sails. Start-Up does not have a routine, and can therefore be taxing not just physically, but mentally and emotionally too. Be prepared.

    • Start-Up is when the entire crew has the opportunity to form bonds and teamwork patterns that last throughout the sailing season. Your down-time in Seattle with your fellow crew members is something that won’t happen for the rest of the season. Enjoy it.

    • You live on board a vessel during Start-Up (unless other arrangements have been made).


Upon arrival in Seattle at Fisherman's Terminal, you will complete on boarding paperwork, including your Form I-9 – be sure you bring appropriate ID as outlined on the Marine Employee homepage (passport is preferred). You will also now have access to set up direct deposit through your Employee Portal, bring your banking information: Account Number and Routing Number.

Crew Berthing and Provisions

    • Check-in with your Hotel Manager for your Berthing assignment (where you sleep and store your things).

    • Keep in mind that packing light and in collapsible luggage is required, as storage space is very limited on board.

    • Personal items must be removed from the vessel when you rotate off.

    • The company provides: blankets, sheets, towels, pillows, first aid kits, soap and laundry detergent, cleaning supplies, tools for repair, work vests, and ear protection.

    • Each vessel has crew laundry facilities available on board or nearby (laundry facilities are available at Fishermen’s Terminal during non-work times when laundry services are not available on board).

Safety Walk-Through

    • Vessel familiarization with the Safety Officer. Safety is a primary concern, and all crew new to any ship must complete a safety walk-through upon arrival.

Crew Meals

    • All crew meals are provided on board. Check with your Hotel Manager and Chef for specific meal times, and to verify any special dietary requests, restrictions, or needs.

Work Schedule While On Board

    • During Start-Up, days may consist of 8-hour, 10-hour, or 12-hour, depending on training/operation needs.

    • Specific details on your on board schedule will be provided by your onboard Manager/Ops Manager/HR.

Be Well-Rested

    • Working on boats is very physically demanding.

    • Arrive as well-rested as possible.

Come Prepared

    • Show up to work with everything you need, don’t count on being able to pick up uniform items or things you need that you didn’t get prior to arriving to the vessel. Review the Uniforms & Packing page and bring the required items with you.

Be On Time

    • Punctuality is important to deliver the excellent guest service that we are known for. Plan to report to your assigned vessel within the time frames outlined in the Crew Travel Logistics page.

    • Each day at Start-Up, all crew members should be ready to work at the appointed time for the entire duration of the assigned shift.


    • Patience and flexibility are key to your success at Start-Up: it’s essential to keep a positive attitude and remember to “roll with it” during this often stressful (but exciting) time. If you are new to boats, Start-Up is like nothing you have ever experienced ever before: the days are long, the learning curve is steep, and the rewards of friendship and camaraderie are epic. Keep a positive, can-do attitude.

    • During Start-Up, REST IS BEST. It's exciting to socialize with other crew members after work, but you need to start the season (and each day of Start-Up) well-rested and on time.

    • Alcohol, drug and smoking policies are in effect during Start-Up (along with all other employment policies). More details and specifics are available in the Marine Employee Handbook.

Photo Credit: Jackie Burhans