
We organize weekly and monthly activities where students with and without disabilities can get together and socialize in a fun, inclusive setting. Advocate for authentic friendship. Join UMSL Social Peers today!

Upcoming Events

Past Events

UMSL Mirthweek Carnival

Chalk the Patio for IPSE Day #PSE4ALL

Bowling at Kingpin Lanes

Art Night!

February - Homecoming Chili Feed

February - Homecoming Pack the Stands

October Event - Men's Soccer Game

December Event - Cookies & White Elephant Exchange

Annual Meet-n-Greet 2023

October Event - UMSL Alumni 5k Run/Walk 

May Event - Chalk the Quad!

May Event - Pizza Party

March Event - Project Linus with APO

April Event - Mirthweek Festival

February Event - Homecoming Chili Feed

February - Pack the Stands!

January Event - UMSL Men's Basketball Game

Spring Jamboree 2023!

November Event- The Bob Ross Paint Night

December Event- Dinner & White Elephant

Annual Meet-n-Greet - 2022

October Event - Men's Soccer Game

A Happy Holiday Gathering 

UMSL Basketball Game - January 2022

Pizza & Movies