
It is important to have committed mentors who support you in various areas of career development. USSS-TC aims to pair interested undergraduate participants with an engaged and dedicated mentor.

For Mentees

Mentees will be matched with a mentor based on similar identities and research interests indicated in their application.  Mentors are primarily graduate students and industry partners in a range of scientific fields. They are dedicated to helping their mentees throughout the symposium process and beyond. USSS-TC's goal is to create lasting relationships between mentors and mentees, providing mentees with someone to reach out to as they advance throughout their scientific journey, whether that be as a support while preparing graduate school applications or seeking advice while searching for a job. 

For Mentors

Mentors will help prepare their mentee for the symposium by assisting with abstract writing, preparing a scientific poster, and practicing presentation skills. Mentors will also serve as a resource for career and graduate program questions and offer ongoing support for career planning.