About Us

The Advisory Group

The Graduate Medical Education Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (GME DEI) Advisory Group is a group of volunteer faculty, staff and residents/fellows working together to:

Statement on Diversity

The GME DEI Advisory Group aligns with the University of Minnesota Medical School's statement on diversity:

The University of Minnesota Medical School is committed to excellence. Our mission will only be achieved through embracing and nurturing an environment of diversity, inclusiveness, equal opportunity, and respect for the similarities and differences in our community.

We strive to create an atmosphere where differences are valued and celebrated, knowing institutional diversity fuels the advancement of knowledge, promotes improved patient care and fosters excellence. We will train a culturally aware workforce qualified to meet the needs of the diverse populations we serve. We especially strive to have our community better reflect the broad range of identities in our state, including race, ethnicity, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, disability, age, national origin, religious practice, and socioeconomic status.

Given the dynamic nature of our community, the Medical School Diversity Statement and Policy should be reviewed bi-annually to ensure it is current and reflective of our priorities. 

UMN GME DEI Advisory Group Support Team

Cuong Q. Pham, MD, Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine, GME DEI Advisory Group Chair
Michael Aylward, MD, FACP, FAAP, Internal Medicine Pediatric Residency Program Director
Carol Sundberg, Director, Office of Graduate Medical Education
Christy Illig, Human Resources Generalist, Office of Graduate Medical Education
Le Que Heidkamp, Compliance Administrator, Office of Graduate Medical Education